Chapter 17: Hard start

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Mo Xue didn't know the shocked voice of the former owner of the shop. After arranging housekeeping staff to clean up the shop, she hurriedly took the relevant materials to apply for the various certificates needed to open the shop.

Perhaps Mo Xue is lucky. Recently, it happened that the government encourages self-employment. Many departments have preferential policies and reduced procedures for self-employment.

The timing of Mo Xue's appointment was coincidental. It happened to be inspected by a higher-level leader. In addition, her procedures were complete. Before the other party got off work, she got all the documents needed to run the store. It was the only successful time in the process. one.

After looking at the documents, Mo Xue himself still felt a little bit of a trance.

Her recent luck is really out of style!

Many people around him looked enviously at Mo Xue at this time.

What kind of **** luck is this to get through!

Under the eyes of others, Mo Xue returned to the store happily.

At this time, the shop has been sorted out, not only has the hygiene been kept clean, but also the furnishings in the house have undergone a lot of changes, which can be said to be completely new.

After the salary was settled, Mo Xue was left alone in the shop.

In a short while, Mo Xue's signboard to speed up urgently had arrived. After more than an hour of hard work, the new billboard was ready.

The movement on Mo Xue's side attracted the attention of the surrounding shop owners.

Thinking of the chance of contact in the future, the boss on the left came to him.

It was restaurant owner Wen Xiu who looked surprised at a young girl like Mo Xue. After seeing Mo Xue, she was also amazed, but soon she was a little surprised and said, "You are still going to continue. Do you open a fruit shop?"

She saw that the decoration of the house hadn’t changed much, plus the name on the sign, guessed it in her heart, but for the original fruit shop, she couldn’t do it anymore. Someone even felt that there was something wrong with it. untie.

"In addition to fruits, there are also some vegetables." Mo Xue replied. As for the other person's eyes, she thought she couldn't see it.

She really is not in a loss-making business.

Now just wait for time to prove everything.

"Since we have the store, let's do it first! I am the owner of the store next door, and I work in the restaurant. My name is Wen Xiu. Just call me Wen Xiu." Wen Xiu then introduced herself with a very loud voice. Frankly, I can see that he is a very enthusiastic person.

"Hello, my name is Mo Xue." Mo Xue also politely introduced it.

After the names were exchanged, the relationship between the two seemed to have improved a lot, and Wen Xiu enthusiastically introduced the surrounding situation to Mo Xue.

"Then are you opening tomorrow?" Wen Xiu asked after knowing that Mo Xue's follow-up had been completed.

"Well, it will be stocked tonight."

"Then you can go to that shop if you buy flowers for opening. The owner of that florist is about the same age as you. Basically, we will look for her when the shop opens."

Hearing this, Mo Xue looked at the closed door of the nearby shop, and said a little unexpectedly: "Why didn't the door open?"

"Maybe I went out to play. The owner is quite rich. The blossom shop may just pass the time, but her business is quite good. From time to time, some people will come to buy flowers. Speaking of which, she has three shops. She bought all the shops through.” As Wen Xiu said, her expression could not be concealed with envy.

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