Chapter 54: Ghost heaven

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The space that could be seen at a glance has become vast and vast, at least for the time being, she still doesn't know how big it is.

Then there is the wooden house, which has expanded more than twice at this time, and the spiritual spring in front is also bubbling at this time, and the spring pool has become the size of a fountain.

Everything becomes bigger.

The most noticeable thing is the air in the space. I felt extremely comfortable when I was in the space before, but now I am in such an environment, which can be described in three words.

That's it!

I really feel that all my pores are released at this time, and something comfortable is slowly entering my body.

so comfy!

Of course, there are also the Lingzhi swaying in the ground, also exuding bursts of fragrance, plus the bright colors, it can be regarded as a visual feast.

Looking at it, Mo Xue suddenly felt a sense of pride as "this is my country".

But after being proud, Mo Xue looked at the suddenly enlarged area and suddenly thought of a question.

If it was the size of the space before, if she planted it smoothly, she couldn't do it alone with her now!

As soon as the thought came out, Mo Xue thought of the system he volunteered last night.

Is it possible that it will help if it realizes this too?

So does it mean that she can delegate the tasks of planting, picking and packing to the system?

Thinking of this, Mo Xue was moved.

In this way, the things in the space are systematically handled, and she will be relieved by hiring someone outside the space.

Yes, just do it!

When Mo Xue's thoughts flashed past, he called the system in his mind.

Mo Fan was asleep. After being awakened, his divine sense quickly entered the space, and then he heard her mother's request.

"System, in the future, can my planting and harvesting package be...programmed management?"

The so-called procedural management is to let the system help.

Mo Fan: "..."

——Her mother really knows how to draw inferences from one another.

But this is what she originally planned.

This space... um... At this time, Mo Fan noticed that he had grown larger, and there was a steady stream of aura coming towards him, his eyes lit up suddenly.

Her space finally...promoted.

It seems that the recovery costs can be expected.

The next moment, Mo Fan directly responded to Mo Xue.

"Well, the system will take over."

Her mother's stage is still outside the space, let her mother shine outside the space!

As for the space, I leave it to the little guy.

Just when Mo Fan was thinking like this, the scorpion beast had already entered the space.

As soon as I entered the space, I felt the surging spiritual power in the space, and immediately took a deep breath, "I finally found a bit of the previous feeling. The space a while ago really suffocated me to death."

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