Chapter 84: Grand Opening

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Xi'an Village.

Mo Xue's project has come to an end today, and the rest is only the final finishing touch.

The designer Ye Zimo also deliberately arrived at the scene today.

After the construction of the building was completed, Mo Xue also handed over the interior decoration design of the building to Ye Ye Mo.

I had a hunch, and Ye Zimo, which was prepared a long time ago, immediately took out a lot of design drawings. These design drawings are matched with the design here. Naturally, they are in line with Mo Xue's wishes. Mo Xue soon The plan was determined, and then workers were sent intensively to decorate.

And the decoration materials are all handled by Ye Ye Mo. In order to match the style here, he has spent a lot of thought.

He thought, he really has never spent energy to this extent on a project.

Of course, he wouldn't do it if it wasn't for good.

The benefit is not only the benefits of this big project, but also how much fame he can gain from the completion of this project.

If it is well constructed, it will become the business card of this area, and it may become the check-in point of the magic city in the future. Then, as the main designer of this project and the main contracting company, he will not get the attention in the industry. few.

He won both fame and fortune, which made him unwilling to work hard.

"I have contacted some furniture companies that match the style of the resort, and they will customize them according to the size you need, and promise to deliver them as soon as possible. What is needed now is that you choose some designs that you like, and I will bring the drawings. Coming." Ye Zimo handed some drawings to Mo Xue.

Mo Xue took a look at it, and then discussed with Ye Ye Mo to determine all the supporting measures.

"Don't worry, it won't take long for this to be done." Ye Zimo was satisfied with Mo Xue's customer.

Never procrastinate, whether it is to give money or make a plan, such people should not cooperate very well.

Because of this, he also worked harder.

Now that I see my achievements become reality step by step, I am naturally happy, and when I speak, I also express a little bit of joy.

The same is true for Mo Xue. Seeing that this "production base" has reached where it is today, all that is left is the word "happy."

Because she came out!

Stepped out of what I thought would be forever

The step that can't be done.

It made her feel happy more than anything else.

"When is Miss Mo going to open the business? I want to live here for a few days after the opening." Ye Zimo said, after working hard for so long, he is also preparing to give himself a holiday.

This is not just a good place for vacation.

Just experience what it's like to take a vacation in a place you designed by yourself.

By the way, I will also bring my parents and girlfriends to experience the unique flavor here, and take care of the body by the way.

Earlier, he didn't know why Mo Xue would spend so much money to get a production base.

To be funny, he really doubted whether Mo Xue could get back from it.

But in the contact, after learning about the shop behind Mo Xue, he found that he really underestimated Mo Xue.

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