Chapter 90: Is the specialty fruit and vegetable shop related to you?

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"This fruit actually has aura!" A profound scholar couldn't help but said.

When he opened his mouth, it was as if he had torn open his mouth, and the other profound practitioners also followed suit.

"I feel it too."

"Really, me too."

"This fruit turns out to be spiritual energy."

"Oh my God! This is too aggressive!"


All the looks couldn't help being shocked.

The things they couldn't ask for appeared in front of them so easily, and it was not the evil they thought.

But because it was so sudden, they were shocked.

Reiki, the existence that they couldn't touch for a long time, just appeared in front of them in such a high-sounding way, and still in this way.

It really is... let them not know whether to believe it or not.

"Master Bi, do these vegetables and fruits... just sell them all over the country so casually?" A profound scholar couldn't help but ask.

If they can know where the aura of these vegetables and fruits come from, and can convert it into aura to give back to the world, then the problems they are encountering now can be solved.

No matter what method the people behind them use, they now hope that the other's aura can be used in this world, instead of being used on these vegetables and fruits, it is too wasteful!

Master Bi knew what they meant when he looked at their expressions, and shook his head slightly, "We can’t define the behavior of others with our thoughts. Even if our country is in urgent need of spiritual power, it cannot interfere with other people’s spiritual power. usefulness."

The other profound scholars were embarrassed as they listened.

They naturally understood what Master Bi meant, and they did have that meaning. It was naturally a little embarrassing to think carefully about being named.

After being rejected, they were embarrassed to mention it again.

It's just that I can't help thinking about it.

Can you not worry about it?

This is aura!

Unable to help, one of them said: "Then can we buy it?"

Before I don't know how to treat this special store, the vegetables and fruits in this store must be sold out.

That being the case, they should go through formal channels.

Master Bi listened and said directly: "If you have money to buy it, you can buy it. Who will stop you from failing?"

When several profound scholars heard it, their eyes suddenly sparkled.

And Master Bi, take another

After some vegetables and fruits, I will go to Yanming again.

After a while, Yanming tried the fruit personally, but his expression was difficult to understand.

"It turned out to be true." Yan Ming's expression was incredible.

Yes! It turned out to be that way.

"I didn't stop them from buying these vegetables and fruits, but I rejected their proposal. I think we can't stop Mo Xue's business rashly, because the spirit only depends on Mo Xue alone. , I don’t think the result will be what we imagined.” Master Bi said directly.

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