Chapter 83: All is ready except for the opportunity

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After the official name rectification, Mo Fan clearly felt that the ghosts he cultivated became more passionate about the task, and the speed of the task was also faster.

Finally, simply, Mo Fan also gave one of the most powerful ghosts a mobile phone, and the task in the group was directly handed over to him.

It means that this ghost has directly joined the group of "love each other in the family" group, and his profile is like this.

#Master Lin Fan’s ghost representative, undertake various employment tasks, salary private stamp#

So on the day of joining the group, this ghost really surprised the people in the group.

Although there was a lot of excitement on the spot, no one chose to hire ghosts to do the missions in the first few days, but every day I watched the ghost representatives continue the missions in the group, and it was more and more day by day, and at the same time, it was determined by the group owner to complete it. , Some people finally extended an olive branch to the ghost.

With the passage of time, these masters who have worked with ghosts soon discovered that they cooperated with each other to complete tasks more efficiently. Under such circumstances, more and more masters began to join them, even Some have also developed several fixed partners.

As a result, the ghosts under Mo Fan's hands began to become a little bit inadequate.

But this problem was quickly solved by these ghosts themselves.

Every ghost has "existed" in this world for some years, long or short, and has some partners.

Originally, these partners were full of envy and envy after they were "employed" and had a new future. Now that they have a chance, they just said a word, and there are endless ghosts coming towards them.

In this way, the ghost had a supplement, and it was directly filled with the scorpion beast, and after working in the space for a period of time, it slowly joined the "official team."

As more and more ghosts joined, ghosts in various regions of the capital began to have legends.

"No way, if I continue like this, I will disappear. I finally got a new life. I'm going to become a demon."

"It's easy to be an evil spirit."

"Die sooner or later, I am willing to die later."

"No, there is still a way now."


"I heard that many ghosts now go to a profound practitioner. As long as they haven't done bad things before and after they are alive, they can generally pass, and then they can have a special cultivation method with that master. The soul body will not be so easy. Dissipate, and then get the recognized body

Certificates. "

"What is the recognized identification?"

"Just like our ID cards before we were alive, with that ID, we are officially recognized ghosts, and we can still do tasks to earn wages."


"There are scented candles and other things to eat, as well as things to improve cultivation."

"So good? Is it a lie, oh no, a lie?"

"Anyway, those who came back said yes."

"Will you come back?"

"It seems that there is a rest day after a few days of work."

"Then I will try!"


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