Chapter 25: My little guy is really good

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In a blink of an eye, three years have passed.

Mo Xue’s special fruit and vegetable shop has become a well-known fruit and vegetable shop nearby. The daily business is full, and the variety is increasing. It basically covers most of the fruits and vegetables on the market. Basically, as long as the regular customers are changing I'm an old fan, so basically as long as it is shipped, it is easy to shine. It is impossible to keep it until noon or night.

Even in the case of hot sales, Mo Xue still maintains limited sales.

Because of this, the vegetables and fruits in the store are more in demand, and there are people lining up early in the morning every day.

At this time, at home.

The 7 o'clock bell was about to ring, and Mo Xue got up from the bed all at once, but when she got up, she still subconsciously let go of her hands and feet.

When I went to bed together, I turned my head and saw the small bump next to me, and my eyes suddenly softened.

Not the next moment, I still saw a small dumpling roll over from the bed and sat up. After rubbing his eyes, he yelled "Mom~" softly.

These two words suddenly made Mo Xue's heart soft, and said softly, "Fan Fan, are you up?"

"Yeah~" The child's unique vibrato is also particularly pronounced this morning.

"Are you going to the store with your mother again today?" Mo Xue said helplessly.

Since this little guy can walk, he basically has to follow them out of the house and never fall down once.

Don't take her, just look at them with those big clear eyes. Can your cute daughter act like a coquettish girl with you? Then couldn't help but let her go.

The first time I went, there was a second time and the third time... and then it was out of control.

By now, it has become natural.

"Hmm." Mo Fan nodded quickly.

It's so boring to be at home if I have the opportunity to go out.

The most important thing is to let her mother and grandma get used to her habit of running outside. When they get used to it, they won't be so strict with her.

"Then go and wash 簌 with mother!" Mo Xue said helplessly, but still picked up Mo Fan and went into the bathroom.

"Come on, wash your face." Mo Xue wiped the face towel on Mo Fan's face. After wiping it clean, he took the baby cream from the side and applied it to Mo Xue.

"Fragrant~" Mo Fan said to Mo Xue.

"Yes, our Brahma is fragrant." Mo Xue smiled, listening to Mo Fan's childish language, always feeling cute and loving.

"Yeah~" Mo Fan nodded, accepting his childish behavior very calmly. As a daughter and granddaughter, he still wants to let his mother and grandma enjoy the family happiness.

No, just a few words can make her mother so happy.

After Mo Xue took Mo Fan out, Lin Rong had already prepared breakfast. Seeing the two of them came out, he quickly said, "Come, come and have breakfast."

"Good morning, grandma." At this time, Mo Fan had come to Lin Rong's side, and then offered a sweet kiss.

Lin Rong said that she was so sweet that she hurriedly gave a kiss, "Good morning baby."

Then he hugged Mo Fan to the table, "What does the baby want to eat?"

"Bantou with fritters." Mo Fan said without thinking.

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