Chapter 36: It turns out that this hapless person is the other hapless person

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"I think... you have no use buying these talisman." Mo Fan looked at the man in front of him and said very seriously.

He is really the most sulky person she has seen so far. In other words, it can also mean... he is the most unlucky person.

According to the current level of Yin Qi on his body, it is strange that he is really immortal. It should also be relying on Fu Lu to temporarily suppress this bad luck.

As for her Fulu, it can't have a long-term effect on the other party's situation, and short-term suppression is okay.

But if it keeps suppressing, when it can't be suppressed, it's... bottoming out.

When it happened, the person in front of him was immortal and seriously injured.

Therefore, in general, her Fulu did not have any effect.

Out of "conscience," Mo Fan told the truth.

Xu Shan couldn't help being taken aback when listening to Mo Fan's words.


"How is it useful?" Xu Shan asked quickly.

He also has a hunch, that is, the person in front of him is the one who the old man just said can bring him a turn for the better.

"Answer a question, 1,000 yuan." Mo Fan thought for a while and said directly.

This unlucky person in front of me can linger for so long, he must be rich.

This kind of problem solving is based on the "strength" of the customer.

The scorpion beast on the side focused on Xu Shan's body with a look of joy.

Is this what Mo Fan said as "innocent" or "leeks"?

But no matter what it is, it knows one thing anyway.

That is, they will have a lot of money today!

It can eat a lot of delicious food!

Xu Shan didn't feel much about this. The other stall owners who watched the new customers come and paid more attention to this stall were suddenly shocked.

The previous question was only 100, now it is 1000? Moreover, it is obvious that the price is set on the ground. The most important thing is that this person is like a second fool, and he also said "Okay"?

If this is still to be asked, it can only be said that the stall owner really took great pains.

The stall owners around in twos and threes still got together and muttered.

For Xu Shan, 1,000 yuan is not considered money at all, so naturally there is no problem.

After Xu Shan agreed, Mo Fan directly answered the question asked by the other party, "solve the problem directly from the root cause."

"How to solve it? Do you understand?" Xu Shan asked.

"Your body is surrounded by yin, and the Yintang is black...definitely you touched something that shouldn't be touched, just return the thing you touched." Mo Fan replied.

According to her own experience, this kind of yin Qi is not like being haunted by a ghost, but more like being cursed.

This kind of curse is related to things, so as long as things return to their original owners, the curse will naturally disappear, and the remaining yin... can't affect the life of the hapless guy in front of him.

"No! I don't want to return the things I took." Xu Shan subconsciously said, how can I look around, or give up?

My heart... hurts.

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