Chapter 48: The biggest secret

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After confirming that these flowers were indeed Lingzhi, Mo Fan began to explore the bottom of this place.

Since this place is special enough, she can study why it is so special.

Maybe after you have studied it thoroughly, you can also find some unexpected surprises!

Mo Fan continued to scan this area with his spiritual sense, and soon discovered an abnormality in this place.

Here... there is a formation.

In other words, at this moment, she realized that this Xi'an Mountain as a whole is a special formation, and the place at this time is the formation eye, and the place where the formation eye is located is also the most special in the entire formation, because this formation The yin and yang are reversed where the eyes are, and yin qi is turned into spiritual qi, and therefore there will be spiritual plants here.

This place is indeed unusual.

Next, Mo Fan didn't continue to explore, because God's Sense can only detect the formation, but can't solve the formation. She wanted to have a deeper understanding of the formation and could only go to the scene to see it.

When the divine consciousness returned, the road formed by the black yin still existed, and her mother still walked along this line with her.

At this moment, Mo Fan affirmed that...her mother definitely has the halo of the heroine.

At this moment, after walking for a while, Mo Xue looked down at her daughter, but she didn't expect that she was caught up with the scene of watching herself.

"What's wrong? Are you tired?" Mo Xue couldn't help asking.

Mo Fan didn't expect to be caught by her when he saw his mother, so he followed her words and said, "Well, I'm tired, I want my mother to hug me!"

Mo Fan blinked his big eyes at this time, clear and transparent, and his voice was soft and waxy, with a child's unique clarity.

Mo Xue didn't doubt either, but felt a little guilty. The next moment, he directly picked up Mo Fan, and then whispered, "Next time you are tired, tell your mother."

"I'm not tired in front of me. I don't need to hug, and my mother is tired." Mo Fan was still very considerate. Isn't she just afraid of her mother being tired? And since she is now a cultivator with the third-level Qi training body, she is really not tired, so she refused Mo Xue's proposal to hug her from the beginning.

Unexpectedly, I finally experienced it.

Well, you don’t have to walk by yourself, and the feeling of being hugged and walked is still...very good.

Perhaps it was because of the habit of holding a doll over the years, or the physique has been well-trained by the aura. Mo Xue didn't feel particularly tired when holding Mo Fan, so he hugged Mo Fan to the destination.

"These are the flowers, they really smell so good." Mo Xue was pleasantly surprised when he saw the flowers in the boss's yard appearing in groups in front of him.

There really is exactly the same Lingzhi here, and the system will definitely be pleasantly surprised when you see it.

Just as this thought flashed past, a system prompt sounded in Mo Xue's mind.

"Ding, a special spiritual plant is found, which can increase the aura of the space. Please be aware of the host and transplant it as soon as possible."

"Ding, a special spiritual plant is found, which can increase the aura of the space. Please be aware of the host and transplant it as soon as possible."

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