Chapter 98: Three generations of rich Hong Kong city Xu Shan girlfriends exposed

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Mo Xue looked at Xu Shan in front of him, as if he had returned to the state when the two met for the first time, and smiled faintly, "Then Mr. Xu can have a good time here, it is quite suitable for vacation."

"Well, a place with good feng shui is naturally suitable for vacation." Xu Shan still said.

The arrival of Master Bi and them finally left a shadow in his heart.

He always felt that there might be something here.

It seemed that after he met Mo Xue and got involved with this piece of land, the direction of his life went in a completely different direction from the original.

This world is amazing!

Forget it, if you know, you will know. If others don't want to say, he won't want to explore.

Thinking about it, Xu Shan continued: "Where is Fanfan?"

Speaking of Mo Fan is also his own cousin, and with that special ability, Xu Shan really misses her.

Hearing Xu Shan mentioning Mo Fan, the expression in Mo Xue's eyes suddenly became meaningful.

"Speaking of Fanfan, I really want to ask you why your attitude towards her suddenly changed." Mo Xue said directly.

Don't think she can't see it.

Before, because her mother was with Fanfan, she was embarrassed to ask. At this time, when there were only two people alone, Mo Xue naturally wanted to ask.

Xu Shan listened, stunned for a moment, but said indifferently: "No! It's all the same, I just see Fanfan getting more and more cute, so that's why I am different to her."

"Really?" Mo Xue made it clear that he didn't believe it.

Xu Shan paused, he knew how keen Mo Xue felt, but can the facts be told to Mo Xue?

No way!

Even his cousin, he couldn't speak.

But... Speaking of attitude changes, Xu Shan felt that there was a reason to hide it.

It is the blood relationship between them.

But naturally it cannot be announced at this time.

"Okay! I admit that my attitude towards Fanfan is indeed a little different, but the reason is not convenient for me to tell you now. When the time comes, I will tell you." Xu Shan promised very seriously.

When he finished speaking, Xu Shan couldn't help but admire himself. He didn't find a good reason for this.

It really came to light in the future, and what he said now could be justified.

He is really smart!

Mo Xue looked at Xu Shan's vows, and felt

The doubts are also deep. Is there any secret she can't know now?

But she could tell that Xu Shan was not blinding her at this time, maybe there was something in it.

"Although I don't know what you are talking about, I believe you for the time being." Mo Xue said bluntly, "I avoided you before because I didn't want you to have any misunderstandings."

Hearing this, Xu Shan smiled calmly, "I think Miss Mo has done a good job. If you don't like it, you don't give people hope."

In fact, if it wasn't for his cousin who had something to do with Mo Xue, he probably wouldn't give up so easily even if he didn't see hope!

But after all, reason has the upper hand.

His cousin has undertaken enough, and his cousin is overwhelmed by internal and external troubles. If he joins in again, it will really be a mess by then.

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