Chapter 19: Spread like a "virus"

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It is sweet and sour, and there seems to be a delicate balance between sour and sweet.

In terms of taste, the moment you bite it, it feels very crisp, but when you bite into the flesh inside, you can feel its soft and waxy texture, the harmony of crispness and softness...

All in all, two words: delicious.

Qian Xinran finally knew, it was just why his group of colleagues ate up a bag of cherry tomatoes just because of the effort of entertaining a customer.

Give it to him, and he can't help eating one after another.

At this time, Qian Xinran's expression was intoxicated, and was seen by the people around him.

Can't help but think about it.

Is this cherry tree as delicious as his performance?

Many people murmured, even wondering, could it be Mo Xue who was looking for dragging something? After all, many people do this in reality.

And Qian Xinran, after recollecting, realized that he was too dedicated just now, he coughed lightly, and said to Mo Xue: "Your tomatoes are indeed... delicious and worth the price."

He himself is not a particular lover of tomatoes, eating this one actually evoked his gluttons so easily.

At this moment, Qian Xinran really felt that his face was slapped, and he couldn't escape the so-called true fragrance law.

Thinking of what he said when he came in the morning, Qian Xinran felt embarrassed.

In the morning, I really cursed the store's inability to open.

Mo Xue saw Qian Xinran's embarrassment and couldn't help but chuckle.

This smile was also a bright spring, blinding many people in the shop, and the female colleague beside Qian Xinran paid more attention to Mo Xue's skin.

This skin is white and red, and it can be broken by a bomb. It is really going to explode.

The important thing is that she has a pure face!

"Miss Sister, is your skin so good that it is often your fruit?" The female colleague hurriedly said to Mo Xue. At the same time, she couldn't help touching her face, and she felt the roughness of her hand.

There is no harm if there is no contrast. This is the sharp contrast between the little fairy and the Huanglianpo.

"It is often our fruit that does improve the skin. It is only when I eat these vegetables and fruits that I have my current complexion. My child is just a few days old after the full moon." Mo Xue replied.

The female colleague who questioned was shocked, "I can't tell at all, my God! You are in such a good state."

The female colleague said that she really admired it.

She has seen many women around her after giving birth. She has to say that giving birth is too damaging, and no matter how well you raise them, there will be a certain gap between them and before giving birth.

But the young lady in front of me! She didn't say anything, probably she would only think that she was a young girl just out of society.


Must buy!

In the next moment, this female colleague went shopping in the store. Fortunately, her family conditions themselves are very good, and the salary she is now paid is not bad, so she is quite willing.

After all, the money she spends on her face costs tens of thousands a year.

Female colleagues shop as they please, and other colleagues are also affected a bit, "I also go to buy some. The expensive ones can't afford to eat, but the cheaper ones are fine."

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