Chapter 3: Three thousand avenues, different routes lead to the same goal

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At this time, there was a thunderstorm near the hospital, the wipers were brushing underground, and there was lightning and thunder, thunder resounding through the sky.

Many people around were curiously lifted to the sky, it was because the thunder and lightning seemed to be targeted towards the hospital.

Many people couldn't help taking out their phones to take pictures of such a weird sight.

And they are destined to be unable to photograph anything.

Because the object being struck by lightning is only the soul body of Mo Fan.

Mo Fan's soul was an adult soul when it first appeared, but with every thunder, her soul became smaller.

After suffering seven thunder tribulations, she has become a little doll.

Looking at his body, Mo Fan suddenly understood.

The role of Raiden is not only to allow her to be recognized by the heavens and to borrow spiritual energy to practice in this world, but also to make her body and soul truly merge into the world.

It's just that Mo Fan, who understands this, is in a daze.

Now that she is integrated into this world, what about the realm of comprehension that she has been in for thousands of years?

Even though this world is an obsession that cannot be forgotten deep in her heart, but that world is the happiest time in her life, and she is also unwilling to abandon it.

Just as Mo Fan was thinking about this, a vague voice came in his mind.

Three thousand avenues, different routes lead to the same goal.

After hearing these eight words clearly, Mo Fan suddenly reacted.

It turned out to be the answer given to her by the gods of this world.

It means that when she cultivates in this world and reaches the ascending realm, she will be able to return to the original realm of cultivation.

The fairy world is the end of the three thousand worlds.

At this moment, Mo Fan's heart settled.

Next, after taking on the last two thunder tribulations, Mo Fan's soul completely turned into the image of a milk doll, and was quickly attracted by her own body.

The moment Mo Fan returned to his body, the sky that had originally been shrouded in thunderclouds suddenly cleared up.

The thunderclouds are gone, and the sky is full of sunshine.

Many people’s mobile phones recorded this moment.

Someone who originally filmed Raiden also continuously filmed this scene, then edited it and uploaded it to the Internet, with the text "Which fellow daoist is crossing the robbery?"

After the video was posted online, it was circulated within a certain range, and it became a little hot.

At this time, Mo Fan had already returned to her body. The moment she returned to her body, she noticed the incomparable fit between herself and her body.

Now she is truly "reincarnate" and truly becomes "self."

At this time, the beast also floated towards her.

"Fanfan, you look so ugly now! You look like a monkey." The scorpion beast said, his tone was unabashedly gloating.

It has been "bullyed" by Mo Fan. Now that Mo Fanhu is in Pingyang, it naturally has to seize the opportunity to bully.

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