Chapter 27: Is this little doll Popeye?

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After a while, Lin Rong was about to close the door after taking care of the electrical follow-up hygiene. During this process, some people also went to the store one after another. Seeing that there was nothing in the store, it was really a pity. Then, after asking that there was a batch in the afternoon, he left happily, ready to come in the afternoon.

Lin Rong chuckled and shook his head.

She was already quite familiar with this situation.

Basically, some are added every day, but in the end it is still not enough to sell.

For business people, this is a thing worthy of joy.

With a smile, he was about to leave with Mo Fan, but he didn't expect Mo Fan to avoid it, and said with a grin, "I will go by myself, grandma, tired."

"Oh, you are really grandma's caress." Lin Rong, who had always loved Mo Fan, was moved to death once again after hearing this, and then squatted down to kiss Mo Fan and kissed him again.

Mo Fan felt a little numb about being kissed from time to time over the years.

This tofu was eaten willingly.

And Lin Rong couldn't help but smile as Mo Fan looked like she was unlovable by her own dear, and then took her hand and continued to walk forward.

It was early to see the time, Lin Rong thought about Mo Fan's idea of ​​going out to play, but he took her to take a taxi to the nearby scenic spots.

At this moment, not only Mo Fan, but even the scorpion beast on the side became excited.

Seeing the same excitement of the two little guys, Lin Rong was a bit reviewing whether she had brought them out to play too little.

In a short while, the car had reached its destination.

When you get off the bus, the destination is full of tourists, people coming and going, very lively.

This is a place specially chosen by Lin Rong, the pedestrian street, vehicles will not enter and exit, so don't worry about passing vehicles.

"Grandma, okay?" Looking at so many people, Lin Rong was really a little worried, and directly asked Mo Fan for his opinion.

"No, go by yourself." Mo Fan said quickly.

She has taken care of her well in the past three years. Although her body is not fat, she is actually very... "strong". She is afraid that her grandmother will be tired after holding her for a while.

She couldn't bear to get tired of her grandma.

In Lin Rong's mind, she remembered what Mo Fan said she was tired. She probably knew that her granddaughter was afraid that she was tired.

It's so sweet.

Who is good for her?

Immediately holding Mo Fan's fleshy little hands, he whispered softly: "You have to stay close to your grandmother later, you know?"

"I know!" Mo Fan replied, holding Lin Rong in one hand and the scorpion beast in the other, nodding seriously.

This well-behaved look is so cute.

At this time, Lin Rong was relieved to take Mo Fan and the scorpion beast to stroll around the street.

This pedestrian street has a retro style, and the scenery on both sides of the road is unique, and many tourists will take pictures here.

It was also during the shooting, Mo Fan and his group entered their lens.

This entry into the lens instantly caught my eyes.

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