Chapter 91: Much-anticipated

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Soon, Master Bi saw "Lin Fan"'s response.

A simple word.

【can. 】

Looking at this word, Master Bi seriously confirmed it again, and then hurriedly asked, "How to cooperate?"

[So far, I can only provide you with something that contains aura. 】

Looking at this sentence, Master Bi was a little bit disappointed, but he soon picked up his mood again, "Can we specify things? Anything?"

[It can be planted in the ground. 】

"Then how do we need to contact us? Can we talk face-to-face?" Master Bi Shen Ning for a moment, still asked.

If you don't have a face-to-face meeting, I'm afraid this matter won't be solved so easily.

[I won't show up, you guys are looking for Mo Xue. 】

Master Bi's sight suddenly fell on the words Mo Xue, and he went back and forth to Miss Mo.

"Lin Fan" is too mysterious.

Just thinking about it, a new message came.

[I hope you have cleared up all the "hidden dangers" before you find Mo Xue and reach an agreement from top to bottom, otherwise I will most likely interrupt my cooperation at any time. 】

Master Bi was silent, and quickly replied "Well, wait for my news".

He hadn't forgotten that Lin Fan was also in that group, and he could naturally see the attitude of some profound scholars.

And the fact is the same. With the current situation, no one really wants to waste aura in unnecessary places.

But he understands better that the ability to "create" aura is not in their hands, but in the hands of others, so they are not qualified to explain whether it is necessary or not.

Here, Master Bi understood the requirements of "Lin Fan", and after reporting the situation to Yanming, he waited for the results of the discussions above.

As for this side, after Mo Fan agreed to Master Bi's request, he was also a little annoyed.

She was wondering how to use the identity of the system to explain this to her mother. At least after speaking, her mother would definitely doubt the existence of the system.

What she has to do is how to let her cooperate with her actions even when her mother doubts.


At this time, Mo Xue was processing the feedback from the person in charge of each branch.

Mo Xue couldn't help smiling as he watched the scene where each store became more popular due to sales restrictions.

Restricted sales are indeed a great tool to stimulate customers.

Of course, for her

In other words, the reason for the restriction of sales is more because the "supply" is no longer available.

Now the production base appears in front of everyone. Although it is large, it is facing the national market. If there is no restriction on purchases, a caring person will find out that the quantity of her sales does not match the quantity of planting, and things will be comparable at that time. It used to be much more difficult.

A store is totally different from dozens of stores.

After dealing with the work, Mo Xue's attention returned to the Internet.

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