Chapter 73: Isn't this her cheap dad?

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On the other hand, Mo Xue immediately called the system in his mind after parting with Master Bi.

Mo Fan, who was far away at home, naturally heard this call from his mother.

He responded immediately.

Mo Fan knows one thing, that is, every time her mother finds her, there is absolutely something to do, the typical "nothing does not go to the Palace of Three Treasures".

She wouldn't care if she changed to other people, but who made this person her mother?

Soon, he used his divine sense to spread the voice: "Host, I am here."

Mo Xue on the other side showed joy after receiving the system's response, and then asked, "System, is there an ancient tomb in the mountain on the side of Xi'an Mountain?"

When Mo Fan heard this, he was taken aback. How could her mother know?

Soon, she understood that when her mother met Master Bi today, it should be the one who confessed to her mother over there.

She originally thought that she didn't know the existence of the ancient tomb, but she didn't expect to know, so how much information was in the other party's hands?

After thinking hard about it, Mo Fan quickly gave a definite answer, "I know."

She still has to reassure her mother.

"Then, according to your opinion, will there be a problem?" After Mo Xue heard the word "knowledge", the big rock hanging in his heart finally fell a little, and then continued to ask cautiously.


"But with me, I will protect the host's property and will not affect the host's place in any way. Of course, the premise is that the host can build a good space and provide me with a steady stream of aura."

A word that was originally frightened by the word "system", with the addition of a long paragraph later, Mo Xue was a little bit relieved.

This system, it feels really high IQ, suddenly got its own interests tied to its own interests.

"Yes." Mo Xue was as good as a runner.

Everything she does now relies on the system, and naturally she will build the system space.

Even if her own predictions come true in the future, as long as the system is not malicious, she will still use the system as an important hole card for her.

As the existence of cheats and plug-ins, few people can really give up on it.

After getting the answer from the system, Mo Xue's last worry completely disappeared.

After all, there is a system guarantee, and nothing will happen.

Then... she will develop comfortably.

Many of the next things can be arranged one by one.

Mo Xue quickly lost his voice. After Mo Fan didn't hear her mother's question, his expression paused.

Obviously, in the eyes of her mother, she is also a tool person.

"Mom looking for you again?" At this moment, the raccoon beast beside Mo Fan spoke.

Although it doesn't know what the two people are talking about, it still feels the exchange of consciousness between the two people.

"Well, ask me something." Mo Fan responded casually.

"Is that over?" Yanqimon asked.


"Then give me something to eat!" Xiqi Beast urged.

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