Chapter 4: Fate reversed

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Mo Xue's expression was a little dazed, could it really be that person?

Suspicious in her heart, Mo Xue pursed her lips and didn't ask any more questions. She couldn't let other people's attention on her now.

Certainly, Mo Xue stopped speaking.

And the people who listened around didn't doubt it, only thought that Nurse Zhou's accomplice was Zhao, and the discussion became louder.

At this time, the other nurses had also reacted, and immediately came to Nurse Zhou to take her away, but Nurse Zhou looked at them as if they were encountering a ghost, dodge frantically, with messy hands. Waving, "Don't come, don't come..."

Others looked at the two nurses at a loss, and someone on the side said, "Let's call the police! This nurse may have been bought by a trafficker."

Stealing the child was admitted by the nurse himself, and could not be denied.

"Yes, call the police." Someone on the side quickly echoed.

The scene suddenly became noisy, and more and more people gathered around.

At this moment, the leaders of the hospital heard the news and rushed to the scene to deal with the matter.

Nurse Zhou had already been taken away by other nurses. When she took her away, she still muttered not to come over, her face was even more terrified.

Looking at Nurse Zhou like this, many people still felt a little strange in their hearts, and the word "Zhongxie" flashed across their hearts.

As for Mo Fan, watching the development of this incident throughout the whole process, she was a little surprised. She didn't expect that the scorpion beast would accidentally hit and accidentally achieve the goal she wanted to achieve next.

The reason why her mother was calculated in the life she knew was that she had never thought that there was such a deep calculation behind the person.

So just plant a seed of suspicion in her mother's heart, and some dangers can be avoided in the follow-up.

From her observations, her mother was already suspicious.

As if aware of Mo Fan's emotions, the scorpion beast quickly approached Mo Fan with his big face, boasting and boasting: "Fan Fan, do you think I am doing well?"

Mo Fan's attention was pulled back by the big face, and then he stretched out his little hand and touched the scorpion beast's face, which was regarded as a response to it.

During this time, Xiaoguai did his best.

Just talking about this incident was beyond her expectation.

It is indeed worthy of praise.

After detecting Mo Fan's movements, the scorpion beast was indeed happy, and said with great interest: "If you have something to do, you can continue to tell me. I have accepted a lot of subordinates, and may be taken care of."

Hearing the words of the scorpion beast, Mo Fan took advantage of the situation and looked around, and he saw the special presence among the crowd of onlookers.

Although she did not succeed in entraining the air into the body, her unsullied body made her very sensitive to the existence of aura, and the ghost is also made up of aura to a certain extent, she can naturally find it.

There are ghost cultivation in the cultivation world, but most of them live in the underworld, and there are some strong ones among them. Many monks don't dare to provoke ghost cultivation too much.

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