Chapter 107: Little guy, are you Lin Fan?

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And Mo Fan on this end also inferred from Master Bi's tone that he might know the existence of this person.

And this person seems to have a lot of connection with Master Bi.

If not, after listening to her, Master Bi will definitely refute, rather than considering the possibility of cooperating with her.

Who will this person be?

At this time, in a paper tie shop that Mo Fan had visited, Master Bi had found his master here.

Seeing Master Bi, the old man simply said, "You are here."

Master Bi smiled helplessly when he heard the words, "Master, you have counted it again."

"It's just that there are guests coming today." The old man said lightly, "Let's talk, what can I do."

"The piece of land in Xi'an Village..." Master Bi spoke carefully, and raised his head at the same time. As he spoke, he tentatively watched his master's reaction.

When the old man listened, his expression didn't fluctuate too much, "Just ask what you want, no need to circumscribe."

Master Bi listened and touched the tip of his nose embarrassedly, "Master, someone said that there is a tomb under Xi'an Mountain, saying that someone from our side has visited it."

As soon as this sentence came out, Master Bi found that his master's expression changed, and the whole person became serious.

"Who is that person?"

Listening to Master's words, Master Bi was stunned for a moment, and quickly realized one thing, that is...there is a tomb in the underground area of ​​Xi'an Mountain.

Master Bi looked shocked, what kind of tomb is that tomb? Also... the Feng family he had heard before is also looking for a tomb. Is there any connection between the two?

"It's a hermit, that is, the destined person whom you asked us to find last time, Master.... By chance, he joined the organization..." When he said that, Master Bi's expression was also a little subtle. Never thought that there will be such a development in the future.

Thinking about it now, maybe it really was a big opportunity for them. Since meeting that Master Lin Fan, they have solved a lot of their troubles invisibly, and even brought them vitality.

"You mean...that person can create aura?" When the old man heard the word aura, his eyes brightened.

"Yes, that resort is the product of this master. The aura there is very abundant, and that place is... the one in Xi'an Village." Master Bi explained, just talking with his eyes

A little worried, "If the tomb is really there, will there be any...accidents then."

The old man listened, then put down the work he was doing, and said directly to Master Bi: "Take me there."


"Go to the resort and have a look." The old man said directly.

After a while, the old man followed Master Bi to the "Fanfan Resort".

Looking at the name, the old man's expression paused, "This name is very suitable for the Master Lin Fan you are talking about. It seems that it is really his handwriting."

Master Bi listened, but couldn't help but stunned for a moment, "This Fanfan seems to be the daughter of the incumbent of this resort. She is only 4 years old this year. It is not impossible that she is Master Lin Fan."

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