Chapter 55: Energetic ghosts are extremely efficient

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Within a few hours of work, these ghosts had easily buried all the seeds in the soil, and by the way, under the guidance of the scorpion beast, they poured spiritual spring water on the seeds they had just planted.

I have to say that when they get the spiritual spring water, they can feel the incomparable power contained in the spiritual spring water itself.

They knew that this was definitely a good thing, and they couldn't help but yearn for it, but they... didn't dare to move.

The eyes of the overseer who accompanied the scorpion beast like a shadow were not joking.

Even under this look, they didn't dare to stop and take a breath.

After the water was sprinkled intensively, the ripe vegetables and fruits were arranged and packed immediately.

If facing the spiritual spring water is a desire from the bottom of my heart, then facing these vegetables and fruits containing spiritual energy is a naked-naked-naked temptation.

They know that these vegetables and fruits are of great benefit to them!

Oh my! What kind of fairy place is this?

Afterwards, I had to endure the saliva, bit by bit, sorted out all kinds of different vegetables and fruits, and packed them up.

When packing, they also recognized some of the above lists.

That is a human express.

This adult has actually started a human business. He is really too powerful!

A group of ghosts thought divergently.

The tiger beasts naturally saw their desire, but they pretended not to see it.

After these ghosts were busy, they gathered them directly in front of me and said lightly: "Okay, that's all for today's work, you can go back now."

"Go back?" The several ghosts headed by the old ghost felt weird after hearing this request.

They were already prepared to be coolies for a long time. After they came to this place, their preparation disappeared without a trace. They only hoped to be here for as long as possible. The result? Suddenly came up and asked them to go back?

This mood is almost like a roller coaster.

What the **** is this adult going to do?

"Looking at your good performance, I decided to keep your job, but this job is not always done. You don't need you now, and we will call you when we need it." The tiger beast hummed.

The main reason was that their efficiency was beyond his expectations, and things went so fast.

If it were him, he would be slow, sometimes stealing a bite, and his efficiency would not be so high.

Time exceeded expectations, and I didn't want these ghosts to take advantage of this place, the scorpion beast naturally wanted to drive them away.

"Okay, good." The old ghost breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that he would come again.

Then thinking of the change in his thoughts, the old ghost couldn't help but laugh at himself. Before that, he couldn't help but go as far as he could, but now? This is just waiting to stick up.

It's really... Feng Shui turns around!

Other ghosts have the same idea as the old ghosts.

They understand better how rare this opportunity is.

Looking at these honest ghosts, the scorpion beast thought for a while, and then drew ten tomatoes from the basket on the side, and then directly distributed them to the ghosts in front of them, "This tomato will be used as a reward for your hard work today. !"

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