Chapter 92: She can only bear

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"This spiritual energy was made by this person named Mo Xue? What is her origin?"

"I know this person." Feng Quan said directly. At this moment, everyone's eyes fell on him, waiting for his response.

At this time, Feng Quan said unhurriedly: "She is the woman Pei Yunbai likes."

As soon as this word came out, the others were stunned.

"Isn't that..."

"If it were her, it might be possible to make such a thing, but didn't you move your hands and feet on her and stay away from Pei Yunbai? Why suddenly..."

"I don't know." Feng Quan shook his head. "But at least it proves that she has something that can create aura. I don't know what it is, but if it can be obtained, our plan...will go smoother. "

"We found out, and other people must have found out, especially those people. We can only do it in private, and maybe have more opportunities."

"Speaking of which, did Pei Yunbai contact that Bi Qing last time, and did he find anything? Have we found out our hands and feet on him?"

Hearing this, Feng Quan pursed the corners of his mouth slightly, "My daughter ran into Bi Qing at Pei's house that day, and knocked on the side. The other party did not reveal what was being investigated, but I am afraid that Pei Yunbai is also suspicious."

"It shouldn’t be! There’s only a trace of luck we stolen. As Pei Yunbai, the son of the world’s luck, nothing bad will happen, and it’s unlikely that you will be suspicious, isn’t it... your daughter is talking to you? What was revealed in the Pei family’s contacts?"

Someone instantly cast doubtful eyes on Feng Quan's body.

"Impossible! My daughter knows that this matter is of great importance, how could she reveal anything." Feng Quan said without changing her color.

He actually wondered in his heart that it was his daughter's words that day that revealed some traces, but these words should not be mentioned in front of these people, otherwise the blame will be on his daughter, and he will not be able to protect her.

And he is just such a daughter, no matter how stupid he is, it is also his daughter.

"Then why is the Pei family investigating the Feng family recently?" Someone keenly questioned.

No matter how secretive the Pei family's actions are, the Feng family can still get some clues from it. After all, the business for so many years is not fake.

Listening to these words, Feng Quan mentioned the words that he had prepared a long time ago.

There is another hand and foot on Pei Yunbai's body. "

As soon as Feng Quan said this, the others looked at each other immediately.

The other hand and feet were too small, and they basically didn't care about it.

"You mean the Witch Gu doll?"

"Well, Pei Yunbai is the son of luck after all. Even if we suppressed his memory for a while, after all these years, no one knows if he was touched or stimulated to loosen the'curse'. Look for it at this time. The master is also very normal." Feng Quan pointed out directly.

Hearing Feng Quan talking about this, someone on the scene snorted, "The main purpose of the existence of this Witch Gu doll was to let Pei Yunbai's luck fall on your daughter through'feelings'. What happened? Pei Yunbai has lost his memory, and still hasn't put your daughter in his eyes. I knew it would be better to let this Mo Xue and Pei Yunbai stay together. We can absorb the luck of the two people. This is called Mo Xue. The luck of the body is better than Pei Yunbai doesn't give much relief."

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