Chapter 49: It turns out that this is actually an ancient tomb?

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Mo Fan slowly explored this space. The reason why she said it was a hidden space was because she discovered that maybe there was another place under these layers of space.

That site and this site are not the same root, so she can't use the old method to enter the next dimension.

Thinking about it, Mo Fan continued to move.

A little bit of spiritual power overflowed from the fingers, and began to consciously explore the entire space.

When the Yin Qi and the Spirit Qi were intertwined, there was a slight collision, and then the Spirit Qi quickly swallowed those Yin Qi.

After Mo Fan had swallowed all the Yin Qi, the scene in this layer of space became much clearer.

Soon, Mo Fan's gaze settled on one of them.

In that place, you can see a trace of Yin Qi overflowing from the gap, although it is small, it is continuous.

Yes, the Yin Qi in the space comes from this place.

After realizing this, Mo Fan quickly came to this place with his short legs.

It continued to overflow spiritual power, and then just gently input a little spiritual energy into this place, the next moment, there was a sound from below.


As if some mechanism was touched, I soon saw a hole in the ground. The hole was dark, like an abyss, and at the moment it opened, Yin Qi gushed upwards quickly, with bones. The cold air.

If it wasn't for Mo Fan himself to be a monk, under the impact of this cold air, I am afraid that he would be hit hard in the first place.

Of course, now, before this cold air rushed in front of Mo Fan, it was already blocked by Mo Fan's aura, and it was exhausted.

After the cold air gushing out of it became stable, Mo Fan jumped directly into the cave.

In the next layer of space, it was all black, and what others might see was endless darkness, but Mo Fan was not.

After jumping down, Mo Fan got a panoramic view of the situation here after only a slight adjustment.

It turns out that this is the real battlefield.

There are bones everywhere, almost all of them are close together, and you can't see the end at a glance.

Undoubtedly, they all illustrate one point.

This place is the main battlefield.

What I saw before and what I saw at this time are undoubtedly insignificant. From these piles of bones, we can see how tragic the battle was experienced here.

Just as Mo Fan was thinking about it, all of a sudden, these bones began to change.

The first thing that breeds is the sky full of yin and resentment, and they seem to have discovered Mo Fan, a delicious food and tonic, and are coming towards her in all directions.

Naturally, Mo Fan noticed it for the first time, his expression unchanged, waiting for the danger to advance.

It was just that before Mo Fan could do anything, there was new movement on the bones, and another aura with aura came straight to her.

Before resentment and yin qi hit her, the aura with aura had already hit the yin qi, and the two auras immediately became a ball, intertwined with each other, obviously "fighting".

They are protecting her.

This thought flashed through Mo Fan's mind quickly.

The next moment, a smile appeared on the immature face, and then his hands were turned a few times in the air, and a pure spiritual force rushed towards the two groups of aura.

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