Chapter 97: Wonderful resort

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On this side, several masters headed by Master Bi, after a long period of exploration, finally got a rough idea of ​​the resort.

"The Feng Shui of this really good!"

"Yes, there is no place to start at all, and everything that should be solved is solved."

"According to the pattern, it is also the feng shui pattern of gathering wealth."

"Plus the aura inside it, it's really a treasured place of geomantic omen!"

"It's still a treasure of feng shui alive."

"In the future, we will have a good place to go when we rest."

"Our place of work is the magic city, it's close to here!"

"You are done well, I will be transferred to another place soon."

"Haha, this is not a coincidence."


Several profound scholars walked talking and laughing, and after finally contacting Yanming, they reunited with him and Mo Xue.

Seeing Mo Xue at this time, the attitudes of several people became more respectful.

To have such a place is really a big deal. For the sake of the person behind her, the one in front of her is worthy of their respect!

Mo Xue naturally felt their attitude, and the corners of her lips were pursed, and her attitude towards them also brought some respect.

Especially after hearing about the ins and outs of "Reiki" from the system and Yanming, she understood a little bit more, that is, these people really paid a lot for this country.

A sentence that has been very popular on the Internet now.

How can the years be quiet, but someone will carry your weight on your behalf.

These people, without any halo on the top of their heads, silently guard the country's "secretly" order.

They are more unknown than the heroes who are well-known.

And there are many people like them, and they are just a part of them.

Mo Xue's attitude was seen by Yan Ming and Master Bi and others, and his favorability towards Mo Xue was also increasing.

At this time, Master Bi also spoke up.

"Miss Mo, we just helped you see Feng Shui. Feng Shui is very good. I really don't have much to modify."

"Yes! Feng Shui is very good, and all your patterns together can gather energy and wealth. It couldn't be better."

"It is the best feng shui treasure I have seen in recent years."

"Living in this place is also good for people's health."

"Miss Mo, we will come to vacation in the future, you

We must reserve a room for us! "


After Master Bi's exit, other profound practitioners also spoke in praise one after another.

The purpose is for the resort rooms.

They had learned about it before they came. Although this resort has just opened, because of the promotion of stores across the country, coupled with frequent hot searches, the popularity is not small, and the rooms are difficult to grab!

They feel that the old computers in their department will definitely be better than others, so they can only rely on internal relationships.

In internal relations, the boss, Mo Xue, is not the best candidate.

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