Chapter 86: Want to kiss

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I don’t know if you can keep your body healthy or not, but it’s true that it’s delicious.#

1st floor: I don’t know if you have seen the "Special Fruit and Vegetable Shop" on the small video. When I first swiped the screen, I was still wondering if this shop was engaged in marketing. The expensive and high-priced fruits are simply paying the IQ tax, but the situation was twists and turns, and an anchor appeared. When the anchor came out, my mind was that the fart anchor must be invited and can be in the whole country. Isn’t it easy for people who open such branches everywhere to ask an anchor to promote it? I watched this host’s video with a professional anti-counterfeiting mood. As a result, I saw the time...three years ago, and then entered the host’s homepage and found that in the past three years, there have always been some vegetables and fruits in the host’s live broadcast room. , There is no interruption, it is the kind of casual, I know, this is definitely true love.

The most important thing is the skin of this anchor. Although it looked handsome before, there are still some traces of acne on the face, but now, the facial features are obviously better.

This is what I can see from the video.

Inevitably, I was full of curiosity about the fruits in this store. I just searched the city where I was located, and there was a branch of this store. I couldn't help but ran to the branch.

When I entered the store, I had to say that although the fruits inside were expensive, they looked really comfortable. Looking at the size of each vegetable and fruit, it was indeed more pleasing to the eye than the others, and the color and luster The top is also very bright, which is the kind that you want to eat if you look at it.

I have never liked cooking, so I couldn't help but buy a lot of fruits on site.

Cantaloupe, watermelon, strawberry, fruit orange, tomato, kiwi... I bought a few thousand in total. I really wanted to refund some when I checked out, but I looked left and right.

Here I will insert a picture for you to see, picture.jpg, you look at it, so good-looking, are you willing?

I couldn't bear it anyway, so I bought them all.

After I bought it and returned home, I quickly washed the strawberries. After eating, there were only two words left in my mind.

What a fuck, what a fuck...

It's so delicious!

Then I ate a kiwi fruit, the taste is sweet and sour, but the sweetness is still relatively good

It's thick. Speaking of which I have eaten a lot of kiwis, they all like sweet ones, but this time I really feel that the sweet and sour taste is so impressive.

The rest of the fruit... really needless to say, none of them are thundered, even if it is so expensive, I still want to buy it!

Once you get started, it's as deep as the sea!

1st floor: Is the host marketing?

2nd floor: Oh my god! This marketing is too powerful!

3rd floor: Is it really that delicious?

4th floor: Hey, like the host, I went straight into the pit.

5th floor: It is recommended that you go to the nearby stores to buy a taste and you will know the first few floors. I really won't let you down.

6th floor: The rise of this specialty fruit and vegetable shop is so fast.

7th floor: I thought it would be the fall of an online celebrity shop, but the result was the birth of an online celebrity shop.

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