Chapter 12: Mom, baby, I'm rich!

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The barrage was swept up all at once.

[Is it so delicious? Let the anchor enter the realm of selflessness? 】

[Strongly doubt whether the anchor is the trustee of this shop? 】

[It's still not enough to understand our anchors. Although the anchors sometimes bring goods, they are absolutely truthful and very sincere, so he is definitely not acting like this]

[Can I say, I can't help drooling when I look at it? 】

[I'm surprised, what kind of cucumber can be so delicious? 】

[Same doubt, it happened that there was cucumber in the refrigerator, and I already took it and gnawed it, but I can't imagine... the anchor would just eat the cucumber in just a few bites]

[The expression on the anchor's face is too pious, um, it's not something that can be performed by acting]

[Gluttonous, suddenly want to buy. 】

[Anchor, please be your own person! 】

[But apart from other things, the color of this strawberry looks so beautiful, I think it exudes a sweet smell when I look at it~]

[I look at it and wonder if this is a fake strawberry. After 24 hours of transportation, it is still so intact. I don't know how to store it? 】

[Can anyone remind the anchor? Don't forget our fans! 】


At this time, Xiaoshuai was indeed a little bit forgetful. He had unpacked and took out a strawberry. After licking his lips with his tongue, he delivered the strawberry to his mouth like an offering, and then...

"Woo" directly bit down.

At the moment of biting, a sweet scent that belongs to strawberry spreads in the mouth, and the nectar that it brings sweeps the whole tongue, sweet, as if it is sweet to the heart, but the flesh is biting more and more. Feel the smell, I can't bear to swallow it all at once.

The mouth moved, and the first strawberry has been eaten.

Soon Xiaoshuai was ready to start the second one.

At this moment, Xiaoshuai's computer heard the sound of a rocket cannon, which instantly attracted Xiaoshuai's attention.

A rocket launcher is 1,000 yuan, Xiaoshuai can also be divided from the middle to a few hundred, which can be regarded as a huge gift.

Xiaoshuai's mind was finally attracted.

Then when I looked at it this way, I saw a screen full of condemnation.

[Anchor! Don't forget that you are live streaming. 】

[Fortunately, some local tyrants thunder, otherwise the anchor will ignore us to the end. 】

[Anchor look here, are cucumbers and strawberries really so delicious? 】

[The anchor was just fascinated by it! 】

[Anchor, can you let us get in touch with your strawberries up close? 】

[Anchor, you are good enough to forget us! 】


Seeing the condemnation one after another on the barrage, Xiaoshuai felt a little embarrassed.

Coughed lightly: "Sorry, the food is so delicious, it is completely different from what I have eaten before, you know, I am a foodie, and then suddenly I can't help it, sorry! Take it! Come down, let me introduce it to you!"

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