27 Goodbye For Now

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A/n this is the part of a writer's ending point when she wants to wrap up the story. From this point on its just focus on Rin and (y/n)'s romance. I say we have a good.. less than 10 chapters. If your still reading this.. wow can't believe your still reading this. All my stories are on hiatus and this is probably the last story I will finish.. I remember writing this I'm high school and now I'm working full time job. Times have changed.

3rd pov

"Say something to future (y/n)!!" Nagisa points his video recording camera in front of her face.

"What do I say.. Um-"

"How are your kids? Does Rin do the dishes? What age did you-"

"I'm supposed to give a message to my future self not interrogate myself!!" (Y/n) exclaims.

Goi giggles softly.

"I hope your doing good.. I hope you made friends in America.. and the friends you have here are still your best friends..."

"The end of the school year is ending.. we have about 2 weeks left. We're done testing all that's left is getting prepared to go to college. My brother got accepted to University of Tokyo. Rin is..

"Getting ready to leave to Australia in two weeks for good.."

I feel that every time we hang out together we try not to think about it. Instead he tries to brush it off.

As for me I've been talking to a property manager in Boston who has a two bedroom apartment for around 700 dollars... kinda pricey for someone who wants to live alone. But it was the best I could find. I made sure it wasn't shady scam but Rin helped me translate most of what the man was saying.

As for my English I've gotten better but I sometimes struggle with it. I know going to a different place learning English and a whole new environment is scary but I was prepared for this.

3rd pov later that day ~~

"Your hair is growing long.." (y/n) runs her fingers gently through Rin's hair as they both lay on the bed staring at each other quietly.

Soon he gently grabs her hand soon pulling it closely to his lips kissing it before wrapping his hand around her's.

(A/n) kinda died when I was trying to find a picture and this one came up

"Promise me you won't talk to guys while I'm gone-"

She shakes his hand off "oh be quiet! Rin.. if that's the case don't you dare talk to any girls-"

Soon he leans in to her before he pins her down. As the room fills with silence and he looks down at her he begins to kiss her cheek before he begins to slow move downwards placing small kisses on her neck. As she closes her eyes she decides to wrap her arms around him.

Heat rose from (y/n) stomach to her chest soon he looks back at her before she smiles at him "Rin I-"

He pulled her in claiming her mouth this time both leaning their heads the opposite direction.

As she kisses him back both begin taking turns titling their heads left and right before Rin pulls away.

"You know I love you.."

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