11 Birthday Reunion

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A/n outfit she'll wear at the party

(Y/n) pov

"Done.." I finish wrapping his present. I look down at the box and think back to what Gou said yesterday.

"Come tommorow, I think Rin would love it."

Yeah, right he saw me yesterday and avoided me immediately. I wonder why..

I guess it's almost time to head there..

Should I go..

Maybe it's better not to give it at all , he hates me.. Still I did stop writing to him after the accident. I'm to blame for this..

Soon I glance to the clock almost 4'o'clock. "I guess I should get ready" I say with a sigh.


Maybe this is a bad idea..

I begin to look down at my outfit.. this is way to dressy for me. I even managed to put a small amount of make-up on.

As I'm about to knock, soon I hear footsteps coming from behind me.

I turn around slowly just to see-


She looks at me a bit confused before she shakes her head.

"(Y/n).. Oh dear it's been so long!" I watch as she holds two bags filled with heavy items.

"Oh let me help!" I immediately help her and she nods "thank you.."

"(Y/n) you've grown so much.. guess Rin is going to like this gift for his birthday" she says.

I feel my face slightly heat up at her comment and I shake my head "don't exaggerate, but I'm glad to see you. Gou invited me.." soon she gets out her house key.

She nods "ah , I see. I'm glad you came I bought the cake for Rin so I'll be glad to see you here" she opens the door and I gulp as it slowly opens up.

As she opens the door, she yells out "I'm home and found a pretty girl in front of the door."

"Stop it.." I mutter softly. She's as friendly as I remember , can't help but laugh.

Soon I hear footsteps slowly coming , is it Rin? I bite down on my lip and I close my eyes.

"(Y/n)!!" I open my eyes immediately to see it's Gou.

"Glad you came!! See mom told you she still looks the same" Gou says nudging me with a smug face.

"She definitely looks different, and is grew to be a beautiful young girl. Also.. Rin is he coming down?" Miyako says.

I glance to the door and see if Rin is coming but no sign yet.

"Oh Rin, his still in his sleepwear! " Gou exclaims.

"That boy.." she shakes her head. I soon begin to chuckle at her comment.

"Yeah, he was in his under-"

"Be quite.." soon I feel myself stop , and I turn around to see none other than Rin.

"Gou , you didn't tell me (y/n) was coming" he goes straight to the kitchen table and sits down.

Rin seens to be wearing a more casual outfit than what Gou said before. His lazy as ever when it comes to dressing up just like when we were kids..

"You act as if she's a stranger.. (Y/n) I'm glad your here. You know you've always been welcome , just look at the old memories you shared" she points towards the living room.

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