7 Long Time No See

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3rd pov

"You think this is a good idea? Doesn't your brother come here what if we see him?"

"That's your biggest worry what do you lik-"

"Gou how can you say something so idiotic. Come on were here on business right!?" (y/n) drags Gou from her shirt.

Gou giggles from the embarrassment on (y/n)'s face "right were here to ask the Samezuka swim team captain to have a joint practice."

(Y/n) nods her head as she lets go of Gou "all that's left is to find-"

As (y/n) turns a corner she bumps into someone.

"Gah!" she falls straight on her butt.

Soon a tall red hair guy looks down at her. His eyes widen and he pulls her up immediately.

"Im sorry!" he bows to her.

(Y/n) sighs "it's fun no harm was done-"

"I must take action!' he bows to her.

She glances to Gou smiling "its fine still you can help us.. we want to find the captain of the Samezuka swim team?"

"Your speaking to him" (y/n) widens her eyes and looks over to Gou.

"We want a joint practice I'm here as the manager of Iwatobi swim club. As well as (y/n) here" both bow there head to him.

He takes a grasp at both their hands and glances at them "you bet!"

3rd pov

"And that's how we convinced him surprisingly wasn't that difficult" (y/n) crosses her arms with a smug look on her face glancing to Haru , Nagisa, and Makoto.

"That's amazing!" Makoto says.

"Still there's a catch in order for us to swim. We need four male swimming members.." Gou says.

The guys glance at each other.

"Well it's time to use your flirting skills again you two-

"NO!" they both yell at Nagisa.

"Look we have a couple days so we can confirm this. If you want a chance to swim by this week we need another member" (y/n) says telling everyone.

"I have the perfect candidate" Nagisa raises his hand.

Everyone raises an eyebrow glancing at each other.

(Y/n) pov

"Rei Ryugazaki" I mutter quietly.

"what nonsense are you saying?" Luhan raises an eyebrow.

"None of your business!" I shout to him angrily.

After are huge outbreak last time we slowly began to speak to each other again. Still-

"Whatever.. loser" he mutters enough for me to understand him.

We still have are ups and down.

"Luhan!!" I raise my head to see a group of guys waving over to my brother. I glance over to my brother smirking.

"Wipe that smug and go with them" I angrily state.

He shrugs his shoulder with a smirk "hold on guys!"

I sigh at least his out of my way I sigh. As I look to my right I see the corner store. As I look right the window I see a sale for honey barbecue chips. I raise an eyebrow.


As I enter the store I immediately head towards the back of the store usual where the sale would be at. As I turn the corner I see a table with only-

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