26 100 days of Love

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(Y/n) pov

"Happy birthday!!" my eyes shoot wide open as both my brother and dad's voices ring throughout my ears.

As I get up from out my bed my dad brings out a small cake with age-

"38? Dad?"

My brother busting out with a laughter "isn't it great. I told him to do it a year ago when we turn 18. Seems he didn't forget" my brother jabs my dad.

"Either way thank you dad.. And happy birthday dork" I get up to hug my brother.

As we hug I didn't notice his work attire, guess his getting ready for work.

"Hurry it up you two. We all got things to do today. I need to head to work in 30 minutes."

I nod and I grab a stool to place the cake. As my dad lights the candles, and my brother sets the camera in place I look down at my pajamas.

"Well this will be a day to remember" I say untangling my hair with my hands.

"Your recording this right?"

"Yes. Now a happy birthday song in 3 2 1-"


I remember my dad taking two bites of that cake before he left for work that day. As for my brother he gave me his birthday gift to me which was $50 gift card for a clothing boutique. Either way I got something to look forward next the weekend all the mall.

As for me I got him a figurine of his favorite anime waifu from that new popular fantasy anime.. Had to work for it to get and it wasn't an every day 20$ figurine.

Any way it was the first year where we didn't spend the whole day together...

Kinda miss the days when it was just me... dad.. Luhan..

After that birthday.. the next time I would be celebrating with them on my birthday with them would have been  6 years later..

It was pretty earlier but me and Rin planned out we would celebrate my birthday in Kyoto. He planned the whole day to take a bullet train and get there in an hour.

He was also the second person to tell me happy birthday.. Usual my brother's the first to barge in at the middle of the night before we head back to sleep.

Moving along as we got to the station I decided to dress my best for today.. Because I wanted that day to be a day I will remember. Forever.

(Y/n) pov

"Cake in the morning.." he says dipping his fork into the cake.

"Big baby. It's just 8.. You should be grateful I even brought one" she taps his chest quickly before he shakes his head.

"Your lucky I got you these" he looks down at my thighs seeing the box of chocolates he got me.

"Don't push it" I open the box and I bite down on one of the white covered chocolate .

"Also can't believe you got me all 13 volumes of Black Paris. Can't wait to read it when I pick it up from your house" as for Rin for our 100 days I got him some of his favorite manga. Of course his going to be picking that up at my house another time because who has time to bring that.

"Your present.."

I look over to him "if your wondering where it is.. I plan to give it to you later.. sorry if I spoiled it but I don't want you to be thinking that chocolate and a key chain is all I got you" he says in a serious tone.

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