21 After Math

284 7 0

Rin pov

(Y/n) has been unconscious for the past hour and not much word from the nurses.

I look over to Gou looking down at her phone..

"Is he almost here?" I ask soon Gou looks down at her phone before her phone begins to ring.

I widen my eyes as she picks up the call immediately.


Her brother..

I can't hear really get much in her conversation still not to long before she immediately turns around "your here-"

"(Y/n)!!" her brother arrives breathing heavily.

"What's her condition?" he says looking over to us.

"We haven't got a word from anyone still they should get back to us-"

"Damn!!" he interrupts Gou before looking at the clock.

"I knew she shouldn't have involved herself anything with swimming!!" he says yelling.

"Hey! Calm down this is-"

"Don't tell me to calm down!!" he angrily says.

Soon I can't help but to stand up and sigh "y-you your my sister's friend shouldn't you have convinced her? In her condition to not get near any damn water?" he comes up to me gripping my shirt.

Condition? What the hell is he talking about?

"Luhan.. he doesn't know about that" Gou says placing her hand over his, trying to avoid contact.

Soon he sighs before letting me go "guess he doesn't.. guess (y/n) doesn't trust him enough to tell him.." he soon walks over to (y/n).

I glance over to Gou who sighs "she was going to tell him but-"

Soon a couple of footsteps enter the room. A nurse comes in and looks around "she must be lucky to have friends on her side.. Are any of you immediate family of-" soon she flips through her papers "miss (y/n) tobio?"

Soon I look at her brother who immediately stands up "I'm her brother.. what's wrong with her?"

She soon looks around "well can we talk privately. I have some papers that you or a parent can sign before a doctor can tell you anything" soon he stands up and glances over to me "you should go home.. And Gou" he glances over to her "I'll text you if anything happens. You got school tomorrow both of you don't you. Go home."

"What I can't-"

Soon Gou grabs my hand "I trust Luhan, and I believe (y/n) will wake up soon. We should come back tommorow Rin.."

As we both leave my mind is still wondering why and how this all happened.

And condition!? Gou seemed to know about it more than me but how can I even ask her, she looks shaken up and she can barely look at me.

Still I-

"Call 911!"

Seeing her on the ground unconscious was a sight I never want to see again. Shit..

3rd pov
Meanwhile at the hospital~~

"She'll be awake in the next couple hours, so says the doctor.." her father sits down then glances to Luhan.

"Go home, you got school tommorow I don't want you to miss a day-"

"I'm fine dad.. don't you have work early tommorow morning?" he snaps back.

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