20 ISC Returns and The Truth Part II

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Y/n) pov

Man I feel terrible I knew this would eventually bite me in the butt. I feel like a terrible friend not telling her..

As I try to catch up to Gou soon she turns a corner. As I turn it a dead end and the end of the hall are two vending machines.

"Gou!" I say in relief.

I feel my feet getting cold, did I ruin a perfectly good relationship just because my relationship with Rin.

She doesn't turn around but rather I can see her beginning to tremble.

"Gou.. I'm-"

"Why didn't you tell me.." she says softy. Damn.

"I know I'm sorry it's just that I didn't know-"

"No!!" she turns around with tears in her eyes "why didn't you tell me sooner!!" she says running towards me gripping my jacket.

"Wait.. what?" that's what she's mad about I thought-

" I wanted to know!! Don't tell was it the day you went to the movies!?" she says shaking me.

"What! You knew about the movies!?" I gasp, she's known for a long already then.

"I mean I always knew you two had something going on but things started to get weird when I talked to Rin that rainy day."

That day~~
"Your shoes are drenched! Didn't you see the weather for today!?" Gou exclaims watching Rin removing his shoes.

"Don't remind me.." he sighs heavily before walking past by her.

"Wait so what did you do today?" she asks.

"I.. went to the movies with a couple of friends. Don't worry about it" he smiles at her before ruffling her hair.

Soon she pouts before turning back watching Rin go up stairs.

Next day~~

"Achooo!" (y/n) sneezes, soon grabbing a napkin trying to clean her nose.

"Are you coming down with a cold!? What happened?" Gou says worried standing up from her chair.

(Y/n) soon shakes her head "no it's fine, surprisingly I don't get sick that often and sneezing is just a small sign I should be taking care of myself a little more. Probably just the rain from yesterday" (y/n) says then going back to writing on her assignment.

"Rain?" Gou says.

Soon (y/n) still writing, he cheeks begin to turn pink "yeah I went out with my brother to the movies!. I should have checked the weather" she says nervously saying.


"After that day I got suspicious on little things you and Rin did. The way you acted with each other after the day of the festival was getting more suspicious every time."

"Each day I waited for some decent answer if you and Rin had something going on but it's been weeks with you speaking nothing of what happened. So I decided not to speak to you until I get the truth!" she pouts while she crosses her arms.

I sigh heavily.. "I'm sorry.. Wait your mad because I didn't tell you about the relationship or that fact that Rin is-"

"(Y/n)!!" she grabs my hands before smiling in relief.

"I'm glad your going out with my brother. I mean it was obvious you two still had some what old feelings. But I just hated that I didn't know... I thought we can tell each other everything without keeping it a secret." she says smiling.

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