18 Our Last Year

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(Y/n) pov

Italics will mean someone is talking English so just letting , you the reader know.

"Hello... this is a pencil?" I hesitate picking my pencil up waving it around Rin's face.

"Correct" he says twirling his own pencil.

"Though you sound unsure, I think you aren't to bad" he says, crossing his arms.

Rin has been helping me learn English for the past 2 months. My English isn't completely terrible I mean I can manage to hold a simple conversation for about 3 minutes before going blank. Still I got to make sure to learn this if I want to study in America.

It's been a little over one month since the competition and the guys seemed to act the old days.

With the school year starting the question of what school seems to be coming up so quick now. Seems most of us are stuck on that topic still I have my goal set.

That means.. taking bigger steps in life like college. I plan to study in America where my own mother studied when she was younger.

Boston University.

I begin to stretch my arms "I appreciate this today. Can we do this next week on friday?" I ask.

"Sure.." he says taping his pencil on my hand. Can't help but to let a small chuckle soon he places his hand on the table and begins to rest his chin right on his arm.

"That's far.. Boston. Your dad is he cool about it?" he says in a serious tone.

Soon I find myself leaning against my arm tilting my head on my arm "his not a big fan of it, kind of far almost 20 hours away. Still he respects me decision and will support me. For the most part I plan to apply for a scholarship to at least not burden my dad. Guess that's why my brother is working to earn little bit of money.." I say sighing.

"Seems we'll both me working hard the next year.. 20 hours that's probably the same time from Boston to Australia.. That's far huh?" soon he slowly begins to place his hand over mine.

Usually by this time I would probably move away from him because of the embarrassment but rather I interlock my hand between his fingers and I find myself smiling.

"Australia.. I know you'll join the Olympics I mean your already captain at Samezuka. I feel like you can do about anything at this point" I say.

Soon he pulls away and begins rub his face looking away, "oh man.." he says. As I take a closer at him his face turns bright red. I find myself feeling a bit shy, feeling the warmth of my cheeks temperature slowly rising.

What's going to happen a year from now, I know it will be different then how it was when we younger. Still I can't help but feel a bit sad knowing we'll be apart for a really long time.

"You know we should go out.. again like.." soon he takes a deep breathe "a date.." he softly says.

I find myself thinking for a moment before I say "anything would be good.. hey maybe another movie?" I say.

"Movie? Sounds good still maybe.. I got an idea!" he says with a smile on his face.

"It's been so long since we've both been to a pool together or rather a beach! Hey maybe I can squeeze some time for us to swim at the samezuka pool?" soon I find myself stunned for a moment.

Huh I haven't told him still..

I mean it's nothing I should be embarrassed about but I can't help but feel like I'll get some pity from him in return. I mean now it's time or never..

"Rin I-"

"Hey!!" that voice. I immediately jump back and I see Gou with a smile on her face. Imagine if she heard all that.. still from the look on her face she doesn't look suspicious from us.

"Isn't Rin such a great teacher!!" she places her hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah.." I find myself still I bit shaken from what I would have told him. Guess I'll tell him another day or rather-

"If she was grateful she would have brought me at least something to eat. Isn't that right?"

I find myself sighing "yeah.."

Soon I can feel both their eyes on me and I soon hear Gou snickering "well anyway, I have some news.."

"(Y/n).." soon I find myself drawn to Gou's voice who then shows me her phone.

"Guess what's returning!" as I read the message it's Coach Sasabe his opening up the old Academy.

"That's great!" I jump up immediately and me and Gou begin to fan girl in excitement.

"Wow I thought it was shutting down? There must have been some hefty change of plans for that to happen. Seems like a great place for kids to get some experience" Rin says crossing his arms together.

"Yeap! And with a indoor swimming pool maybe we'll be able to use it. With the water still to cold to use the guys will be able to practice" she says with excitement.

"First moment Haru hears this he'll jump into that pool without hesitation. Well.." I look over to Gou "shall we bring out the old schedule if we want to go for the big league let's start!"

"Guess you two should begin to do that.. That's the end of this lesson" he says.

"Guess so.." I say "until next time.." I say.

After meeting with Coach Sasabe he went over how he sold his grandfather's boat and with the profit he bought the old Iwatobi swim club.

With the grand opening coming soon he wanted us to use the pool for the mean time until the water becomes a bit warmer.

Also it's the beginning of the year so the pool at Iwatobi is-

"A mess.." Haru says picking up a bucket with sponges and soap.

"I don't want to clean..." I mutter softly before I spot Gou going through some papers next to the pool.

"The schedule is it looking good?" I say but Gou still keeps on flipping through the papers.

"Gou?" I ask.

Soon she looks down at me, but rather than a smile she nods "oh.. Right."

The past week she's been a bit distanced from me and a bit different. Can't help but feel a bit sad from her response. She's probably a bit nervous or rather something is going on?


No I'm over thinking about it for.. now I'll let it pass.

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