25 Coming Soon

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(Y/n) pov

A couple of weeks has passed and the guys are off to Nationals for the medley relay.

Sadly none of them passed for an individual 100 meter but on the other side Rin passed on solo with his butterfly stroke.

Speaking of Rin he and Haru decided to go to Australia for a week to easy of the stress before Nationals.

Haruka seemed off the last couple weeks. Must be because college scouts have been on him since regionals. Either way it's great for them to enjoy themselves as well.

With one week away from Nationals we all prepare for big changes as well as focusing on the medley.

To keep you updated.. my dad finally meet Rin just a week after I meet his mom. Both dates were
actual good his mom was somewhat relieved we ended up together.

That day~~

"Can't believe six months ago you came here for Rin's birthday and now your here as a couple!!"


"Can't believe you almost burned my soup, please let (y/n) speak!"

Yeah, but as for my dad he was somewhat concerned.

That day~~

"How long have you two been going out?"

"Almost two months."
"54 days."

As we both look at each other. Rin actual counted the amount of days.

"Impressive. Still 54 days and you didn't bother to tell me but rather finding out from your brother."

"Sorry" he shrugs his shoulder with a mouth full of curry.

"His a good guy though he did help (y/n) during that accident" he winks over to me.

"Oh man.."

Though he seemed to like him after that comment. Still it felt that my brother was the one introducing him to my dad.

"Such a great manga, can't believe you read that! My sister really hates that type of genre."

"No kidding. I told her to read it but she said no. Wait Mr, Tobio you read that as well?".

"I do. Growing up I remember everyone reading that. Though I haven't been updated with it. I mean isn't it on 800 plus chapters."

I sigh heavily shaking my head.

As Rin returns tommorow, I should definitely go see him. After tommorow it will be June 2 3 weeks away until we graduate.

"Ring this up for me" I place three bottles of sodas on the counter.

My brother begins to scan them before sighing "you know I'll be working that whole Saturday on pur birthday.. just found out this morning" he sighs heavily.

"Really? What time will you be out?"

"Around 7.. Guess will celebrate it a day later" he sighs before placing the bottles into a bag.

"Seems so. Still weird, every year we celebrate it together the whole day" I take the bag.

"Well you do have a boyfriend. Maybe things can change?" he says.

His right. Next year it won't easy to celebrate it with him.. why do I feel a bit upset hearing him say that.

"His returning tommorow right? Guess you miss kissing-"

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