33 A caffeine agreement

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3rd pov

Italics = english speaking parts

"What!?" Megami exclaims.

"Shh.. Not so loud-"

"Oh who is going to understand us!? Anyway see I knew you two would have ended up together" she nudges her while both of them stand in line for coffee.

"Going on 2 dates isn't making us official. Me and Zion are just dating nothing more than that. Though he isn't serious I mean he missed two of are dates..." she sighs.

Soon they move up the line , with one person a head of them.

"That jerk!! Though I can't help be mad when his dreamy-"

"You and men with good looks... You should date him instead-"

"Like I'll date the guy that's been total in love with you since day one!?"

(Y/n) shakes her head "we're next I'll pay."

(Y/n) takes her wallet out and looks up at the menu "one ice coffee .. vanilla. And for my friend-"

"Latte macchiato" Megami nods. Soon she turns around and her face brightens.

"His hot!!" soon (y/n) turns around and watches as Megami watches the television.

The television shows the men on the swimming team all shirtless.

"Oh gosh, guess it's that time of the year" she smiles as the news reporter goes over the men entering the Olympics.

"Ladies your drinks.." as they turn around they take the drink "thank you.."

Soon (y/n) looks down at her watch "shit! 30 minutes let's get a taxi"

As they leave the coffee shop in a hurry. Megami begins to pick up her phone "yes, I'm heading there with Megami right now don't worry-"

Soon Megami bumps into someone. As she looks at him, she immediately widens her eyes "I'm sorry.. forgive me."

"No worries.." the man from yesterday with Rin, smiles at her.

Soon she leaves the shop and leaves the store.

"Ma'am your wallet!!" the barista yells out but she sighs as (y/n) leaves the store.

"What's up Liz, someone left their wallet?" he asks and she nods.

"Yeah, she looked so busy that she didn't even hear me. Hopefully she comes back.." soon she opens her wallet.

Soon he begins to chuckle "let me take a look" soon she shows him (y/n)'s wallet and he chuckles "she's a cutie.."

"You and your thing of pretty girls and my coffee shop. Hopefully this one doesn't fall for you head over heels.."

"That's why I don't date them for too long, so that doesn't happen again.."

"You mind I give it to the owner?"

She hesitates to give it to him before sighing "actual no.. I plan to keep this unless we make a deal Wren? How about it.. let's see if you can last longer than a month with this one?

Soon he begins to chuckle "wow you make me sound like a dog? What do I get if I last longer than your stupid one month?"

"Hmm how about a year's worth of my coffee.. to even make stakes higher to all the people you bring here gets free drinks?"

"Stakes are high.. I like it." he grins at her as he takes the wallet from her hand " and if you win-"

"Wrestling tickets.. Front row. There's a show coming in 5 months to Sydney.. And there going on sell next month.. So-"

"Deal.." Wren winks at Liz before picking up his phone.

"The moment you agreed to this You. Were. Doom." she leaves the counter and off to the back of the storage.

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