28 Adjusting

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(Y/n) Pov
Italics are any English speaking lines.

"Thank you" I say taking the key from the manager.

"Yeah, now if you take the elevator up to the 2nd floor you'll find your room. Plus that bed came in yesterday for you probably placed in the room. And rent will be due on the 1st remember."

As I nod I head up to my floor. As I take my bags towards the elevator, soon another person enters the elevator.

A petite young woman wearing a pink dress maybe, around my age. With long black hair probably reaching her waist.

As I press the number I look over her, may be I should ask her, about her floor number.

"Um.. Which floor?" I ask.

She smiles in relief and points at the button "number 2-"

Soon she widens her eyes "your on floor 2 as well? Oh well I guess your moving in aren't you next door of me. There's only 10 rooms and the room next to me seems to be the only one empty. Well neighbor nice to meet you" she reaches out her hand over to me.

"Oh! Yes hello I'm (y/n) tobio!" as I take her hand she soon widens her eyes.

"Tobio? Hmm well the name is Megami Shoyo" as I release her hand I think about her name.

That sounds Japanese.. Shoyo. Perhaps is she-

"Are you Japanese-"
"Are you Japanese-"

Both stun when we say in unison, we can help but chuckle.

"Wait you speak you Japanese?"

"Of course. Huh your english is pretty good, but it doesn't seem like it's your first language. Are you a foreigner?"

"Oh wow your good. Yeah I came from Japan.. Wow who knew I would have found someone who knows Japanese.." I say in relief.

"No kidding. Well here's our stop. I'll help you" as the elevator opens she helps takes my bag.


"House 22 right? Seems like we'll be neighbors (y/n). I assume you'll be living here alone or-"

Soon the apartment next to mine opens up widely and she turns around immediately.

"Damon.." soon another fella maybe in his mid twenties comes out with ripes in his shirt. And lots of stains on his pants. Isn't this her apartment so who's that?

"Hey babe.." Soon he takes a quick glance before he gives me a quick nod "sup.."

She turns around to me "showingg the newbie to her home..till next time." and soon I watch as she enters her apartment. With her boyfriend soon glancing over me smirking.

Is this her boyfriend?

I immediately turn around and I decide to enter my new apartment. Is it rude of me to think badly of him already.. She looked somewhat startled from him. Hope nothing bad is going around behind the scenes. Guess I should set up..

As I look around the apartment it's exactly how it looks. Wow..

As I check the place out I go from the kitchen, to bathroom, the first room. Then the second room.

"Still weird.. How the rent was cheaper than a one bedroom in the exact place. Man hope I didn't get scammed tsk." Soon I see the bed the man said about earlier being dropped off.

"Got to set that up.." I sigh heavily.

Still maybe I can definitely find someone rent this place out for half the rent. I'll need to safe up money in the future any way because I hate to burden dad providing me money for the couple of years.

Definitely will need to job hunt tommorow for a part-time and will probably need to figure out how to get from here to the University.

I sigh before I look down at myself. I feel disgusting after that flight..

"Need a shower.. And-"

"Food.." my stomach growls.

" But first I have to set up that bed!!" I angrily sigh in pain.


"One last thing.." as I set up my laptop I begin to feel my eyes dripping. Man it's only six yet.. It's 8 o'clock in Japan.

Rin did say the time zone takes couple days to get used to but I can't wait to sleep..

As I set up my laptop I see Rin's name already online. Just how long has he been waiting..

Before I knew it I get a face call from him and I can't help but feel my heart beat.

"Oh crap!! I begin to comb through my hair quickly. I run over to my bed and I sigh heavily.


As I answer his call. The first thing I see is-

"Rin.." his got that messy hair of his.. guess I made him get up early than his usual time.

"Sorry.. Seems like your still sleepy" I say before not to long he sighs.

"Don't worry I was going for a morning jog after this. Anyway how have you settled in? How's Boston?"

"Good.. Well not much I did just get here. Plus I'm job searching tommorow. And maybe find something close to the apartment. Can't rely on my dad's money forever" I say before I yawn.

"You haven't sleep right? You should go to sleep the flight must have been a bitch. Remember to take care of yourself. Stay safe..(y/n)." he says reassuring me with a smile on his face.

"I know.. "

Ever since he left we've contacted each other everyday. At Rin's college school just got started and my college is about 3 more weeks until it starts.

If I can find a secure part time job at night I think I can manage holding down the fort for awhile.

"Let's talk soon.."

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