1 Memories

898 19 3

12 year old (y/n)
(Y/n) pov

"Keep it"I sigh heavily handing my mackerel to Haru who with out a word swiped the mackerel as quickly as he could.

I let a small laugh , and Makoto hands me a small rice ball.

"huh?" I glance over to him in surprise.

"You basically gave him all your food at least eat something" he kindly smiles to me.

"Makoto you can be such a mom sometimes" I slightly hit him on the shoulder.

"Hey! Haru-"

Before he could finish the teacher speaks out to the class.

"Children I have a little announcement to make so if you could please begin to wrap up your lunch?"

I glance over to Haru , and Makoto "what do you think another test?"

"Who cares?" Haru says.

I sigh rolling my eyes that's haruka for you. I'm still amazed how we're all friends.

As we sit down waiting for the news the teacher finally speaks out "ladies and gentlemen I present you are new student Rin Matsuoka."

"New girl?" I mutter.

I turn my attention to the door to see a red haired boy walking in smiling.

"Or boy?" Makoto whispers to me I chuckle.

"My name is Rin Matsuoka , I know what your wondering yeah I have a girl name."

At least he got that off his chest. It's funny doesn't Makoto , and Haruka have girl names.

"Nice introduction why won't you sit right in front of (y/n) in the back. Raise your hand (y/n)." he nods.

I raise my hand and soon we both make eye contact with each other. I hope this guy isn't annoying I don't want someone to interfere with my studies.


As class came to an end we all began to pack up are things. I look over to Makoto and Haru who are set to go.

"Your packed already!? Guess I'll meet you at the swim club?" they both nod and head on out.

I should hurry , I need to practice before everyone gets there. I quickly grab my journal shoving it into my bag.

"Swim club?" I turn around to hear the new kid talking to me.

"Yeah? We have one it's an after school activity about a block away. You swim?" I ask him.

"You kidding that's great sign me up!" he jumps up from his seat.

"So I take that a yes then? Um yeah you can sign up at the center. If you want we can go I'll show you around the place?"

"Really!? Yes! Let's go" he takes my hand.

"Gah!" I remove my hand away from his quickly.

"What?" he says not knowing what he just did.

I sigh "nothing .. let's go" I pick up my bag.

As we walk over the club I glance over to him "so Rin? How good are you at swimming?"

"You kidding!? I'm great my specialty is the butterfly stroke." he moves his arms in motion like if his swimming.

I chuckle "same , still if you say your good maybe you and haru can go head to head?"

"Haru?" he raises an eyebrow.

I nod my head "Haru is the dark , black haired boy with blue eyes sitting next to me in class. His probably the best swimmer in the club."

"Sounds like my type of rival" he smiles in excitement. Don't think Haru will accept his challenges still this guy feels determined to challenge Haru.


I widen my eyes "yes?"

"So I was right that's your name I was trying to remember it from earlier." he says nervously.

"Ha yeah sorry didn't introduce myself, my name is (y/n) tobio" I reach my hand out to him which he soon reaches out and firmly shakes my hand.

From that moment on we became friends who could have counted on each other. As Rin joined the swim club he went on to be Haruka's rival who knew. Still it all has to come to an end at some point right?

1 year later<>

"Your moving to Australia?" I widen my eyes getting up staring at Rin in shock.

He smiles looking up at the cherry blooms tree. I glance over to Haru who looks sad yet angry.

"Isn't that like in another country why?" Makoto says who expression looks as if his about to cry.

"What about the relay?" Haru says in such a emotionless voice.

I'll be there I'll leave the day after the relay don't worry. And the reason I'm going is to become an Olympian so I'll need a new team."

I feel as my heart is about to drop , I feel almost sick.


"I need some space" I run as far as I can from them.

"Hey!" all of them scream out right before I left.

As I stop for a moment to catch my breath I lean back to a wall closing my eyes ,but as soon as the thought of Rin leaving comes up I feel tear drops falling from my face.

As I take a couple deep breathes to calm down I begin to hear the footsteps of someone getting close.

I quickly stand up to see "Rin?" standing panting heavily.

I rub away the tears as fast as I can before he can look at me. But it was to late he comes over to me and stares at me in such a serious look.

"I'm sorry to make you cry (y/n) I hate leaving , but this opportunity is something I have been wishing for a longtime." he looks down squeezing his fist.

His right I should be supporting him on this journey no matter what. He deserves that at least .. still I'll miss him..

"Before I leave I want you to do something for me only you can do , and that's for you to race me once more before I go!"

I nod my head without hesitation , and I place my fist out to him "I'll go all out no matter what!"

"Of course I don't want you to hold anything back alright!" he fist bumps me before we let out a cheeky laugh.

After Rin left to Australia we thought everything would go back to normal or so what we thought...

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