4 Gou Matsuoka

641 13 2

(Y/n) pov

"Gou? Omg!" I automatically wrap my arms around.

"You've grown a lot too , I wasn't 100% it was you until yesterday at the rooftop."

I raise an eyebrow "wait so that's how your brother knew about yesterday. You told him?"

She nervously laughs "yeah technically I did , but wasn't sure he would go. He arrived about a month ago , but he doesn't reply to my messages guess he saw this one."

"If his back then he probably goes to that boarding school full of boys?"

"Yes!! How did you-

"My own brother was going to attend there ,but he decided to come here with me."

"Brother? Wait I never knew you had one in the first place."

I nod "we didn't live together when we were younger due to my parents separation ,but that's different now.."

"We should definitely catch up there's a lot I have to say , but first I want to speak to Haru." she says.

I nod "I think that's a great idea he out of all of us deserves some answers..."

"So shall we go to his house.. where is that?" she says and I sigh.

"Oh come on!" I grab her hand dragging her.

As we arrive to Haru's place Makoto , and Nagisa beats us to it. As Gou tells everyone what's going on Nagisa yet again has a crazy plan.

"Let's go see Rin at his school. Haru before you answer I'll know you want to come there is a pool." Nagisa nudges him.

Haru's eyes sparkle in excitement "I take that a yes."

"How about you (y/n)? You have to go we still have-"

"No. I don't want to see him there's nothing to talk about with him. Plus we saw him yesterday he didn't care about any of us."

"(Y/n)." Makoto places his hand on my shoulder.

I shove it away and stand up "good luck with talking to him" I storm out the door.

As I storm out the door I let a sigh. Why am I angry is it the fact he didn't care about us.. me.

Still it is my fault as well I stopped replying to his messages after months he left. He probably hates me for that.


I turn around quickly to see Gou smiling at me.

"You followed me?"

"Wanna talk?" she raises an eyebrow.

I nod my head "yeah , let's go to my place."

As we arrive to my place I immediately make tea for me , and Gou.

"Thank you" she says as takes the tea cup.

"No problem .. it's funny haven't seen you since the last day at the relay race" I smile to her.

"Yeah, I guess since Rin left you stop coming over to play with me. Still I don't blame you it must have been hard for you" she looks down.

"I'm sorry I had so much going on I completely forgot still I hope to make it up by starting a friendship with you."

"It's fine!! I understand completely, but... why did you leave all those years ago." she nervously says.

I look away from her. Eventual someone was going to ask I guess it's time to say it.

"You don't have to answer I'm sorry" she bows her head down in embarrassment.

I sigh "it's fine... it happened about 4 months after Rin left. That day me , and my mother were heading to pick up my brother in Osaka. It was the first time I would have been with my brother in over a year. We had everything in place that was until we got into a wreck."

"The other driver was intoxicated while driving and ended up bumping heads with us... Dammit." I feel tears beginning to fall down my face. Stop crying.

"Hey.." Gou who soon leans closer to me and takes my hand.

"The crash ended up taking my mother's life , the drivers life. I struggled so long losing her.. one of the most important things to me. So you can guess what happened next.. Got hospitalized in Osaka. My father took me out of school , and moved in with my father. Of course there was one day I went back to see the guys again to say goodbye before I left. That was the last time I ever set foot her until last week when we moved back." I let out sigh looking at her who is filled with tears.

"That's so sad I'm sorry (y/n)." she begins to cry on my shoulder.

I chuckle "it's fine. I'm kinda relieved to say that out loud haven't talked about it since I told the guys back then.. thank you." I pat her head.

"What's going on here!?" I see the door fly open to see my brother with such a serious look on his face , and half naked only wearing his pants.

I wipe my tears away , and glance over to Gou doing the same "nothing" we both say in unison.

"Girls.. you made a friend?" he crosses his arms.

I widen my eyes "yes this is Gou Matsuoka , you know my old friend Rin well this is his sister."

"Nice to meet you.. can't wait to see you around school" he winks at her.

I soon begin to glare at him "leave now!" I grab the nearest thing to me the towel and throw it at him.

"Whatever sis" he rolls his eyes and leaves the room.

I chuckle and look over to Gou who's eyes are sparking as if she say something wonderful. Don't tell me she likes my brother?


"His body was beautiful he had such a wonderful structure. He also has a perfect six pack" she fan girls squealing.

I laugh at her "hearing that disgusts me knowing your talking about my brother.".

"Sorry.. Oh shoot it's getting late. I should head home my mom will get worried" she stands up quickly taking her bag.

"Oh crap. Your right well see you tommorow at school." I stand up walking her out the door.

As she opens the door she looks back at me ,and hugs me.


"Again thank you."

"No problem."

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