15 A step to soon

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A video of Rin being a cry baby lol

(Y/n) pov


"How will I tell Gou.." I fall back onto my bed.


"Aghh!" I been to squirm around the bed before sitting up.

"It's her brother.. I mean-- she's going to freak yet.."

I stop before thinking about Rin. Ever since he came back his been on my mind for a while..

We had are ups and downs the past couple of months since he came back still I can't help but be happy that after all that we're here.

Also on the other hand Seijuro actual lost the 100 meter race to a kid from Tokyo. I'm kinda relieved he took the news positively.

"(Y/n) I'll work harder so we can go out on a date!" he says loudly

To be honest, I find him kinda creepy, and weird everytime I'm around him.

I soon begin to pick up my phone and I see the date and I begin to think about what tommorow will be.

"Saturday" I smile in relief. Soon my eyes begin to follow towards the date and I see it's March.. so quickly.

Soon as I swipe open my phone I begin to open the last couple messages me and Rin sent each other.


Rin : how's 11 o'clock for you?
Rin: if not how's 12?
(Y/n): 11 o'clock sounds great.. can't wait to watch that new Studio Ghibli movie. I heard it might actual be best anime movie of the year! °·°
Rin: yeah a couple of my friends on the swim team said the same thing, guess we'll know tommorow.
(Y/n): right, can't wait for tommorow.

I look down at my last message from a couple hours ago. And I soon move over to Gou's conversation box from yesterday.
Should I tell her.. I mean it's not a date right.. Or rather I should tell her just to-

Or what if she takes it the wrong way , I mean he would do this with anyone and it wouldn't be a date right? Man over thinking this a day before isn't to good.

I toss my phone next to me and I sigh heavily "either way it's good to talk to him once again.."

I slightly chuckle "can't wait" I mutter.

The next day~~

(Date outfit)

3rd pov

"Who knew she would have been the late one.." Rin scoffs before looking down at his phone.

The last two text sent we're 5 minutes from (y/n) saying-

"Running late sorry ^~^"
"Don't worry I just arrived."

Rin places his hands in his pocket before smiling down at his phone.

As time passes Rin looks around before not to long he hear steps behind him coming towards him.

Soon he slightly grins and says "took you long enough let's head to the subway before-"

As he turns he soon widens his eyes and goes speechless.

(Y/n) begins to breath slightly heavily "s-sorry.. late ..couldn't.. find my keys" she says.

Soon he looks down at her and his face begins to turn slightly red.

"Ah it's fine!!" he turns around trying to avoid her and she soon takes a deep breath "so let's go in!" she raises her hand.

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