12 Trip to Regional

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(Y/n) pov

"100 meter relay" I mutter patiently on the sideline watching the relay including both Haru , and Rin.

Today both shall see who is the superior. This race is important for both..

If Rin wins , he'll prove his the best.. and even get the beat his long rival Haru.

As for Haru he-- equally cares for this match. He doesn't plan to hold back and won't back down from this.

Seeing both of them , I hate to choose a side and rather cheer for both.

All four Makoto, Haru, Nagisa , and Rei are racing today and the top 8 swimmers will head to regionals.. oh how time passes by so quick.

Their training from hell improved all of them as well. Rei even has me shocked at his results.

I take breath before looking down to Rin stretching before getting on the plank.

After that night , Rin and I exchange text once in a while. Though.. it gets awkward after a while causing for both of us to stop texting each other for a while. I find it kinda funny how difficult it is to communicate with him.

2 week ago text messages

10:34 a.m - look at this old drawing.. [Photo]

3:27 p.m - you still keep junk like that? Such a hoarder

7:00 p.m - be quite!! 😡

9:31 p.m - you started it loser.

7:21 a.m - 😡

Yeah.. it's been quite difficult considering are school life and extra curricular activates take about half our day and including sleep an average of my life is 6 hours of free times Monday through Saturday.

Anyway, as Rin , and Haru lane are next to each other both line up and get ready for the gun to fire.

"Who to choose" Gou says bitting down on her nails.

"Obviously our team!" Rei exclaims.

"But Rin.." Makoto mutters.

"I think we should cheer for both.." I say looking down at both of them.

Miss Amakata begins to fan herself and sighs "let's get this over with" she says leaning back on the bench with her umbrella.

"Guess Coach Sasabe is running late" Nagisa says sighing.

"As usual.." I mutter.

Soon the countdown begins and we all get at the edge of our seats ready for this race.


"Go!" the gun fires and we all watch closely as both start off great with Haru slightly behind.

"HARU!!" Makoto yells out.

As almost finish the first lap Rin begins to get ready to turn though..

"Haru is behind!! How is he going to keep up!" Gou says worried for him.

Soon Haru begins to turn but Rin manages to push himself further to the finish line and I close my eyes.

"His going to beat him.. isn't he" I sigh then as I look back down to the race the official soon calls the match and-

"Haru lost.. but how?" Makoto mutters.

Soon Rin gets up and out of the pool and soon with a giant smile on his face. He looks down to Haru and begins to talk to him.

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