2 Iwatobi High School

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(Y/n) pov

"Luhan we're going to be late to the first day at our new school. Come on!" I grab my brother's collar shirt and drag him out the house.

"Bye (y/n) , bye Luhan!" my dad yells out before I shut the door.

"Stop being a pain in the ass alright!" he says as he tries to adjusted his neck tie.

I sigh crossing my arms come on!

Me and my brother Luhan couldn't be any more different than ever. No matter how much we look alike are personalities are 100% different.

As of today I start Iwatobi High School. It's my first week back here to Iwami , Japan since the accident..

After the accident I moved to Osaka , Japan with my father and brother. Still shortly after my father's job got moved back over to Iwami where I used to live with my mother..

Still now were back and with my twin brother. I'm relieved we both came to the same school at least there's one person I'll know.

Speaking of knowing.. wonder if any of my old swimming club friends go there... or not.

As we arrive to school we check the front of the school for are homeroom as I scan through the list I see my name.

"Class 2-1 how about you?" I look over to my brother who looks happy.

"Class 2-2 for the 3rd in the row not in the same class as you." he says.

"Not sure if you mean that as a compliment or complaint with that smile. Anyway I'll see you after school if anything happens text me?"

"Yeah, whatever" he sighs before walking away.

I roll my eyes and I look up to the sky before I take a deep breath "wish me luck mom."

As I enter my class room I sit immediately to the back of the class room. Glad first one here.. early bird gets the worm. As I sit down to wait for class to start I lower my head to the desk.

So many thoughts running through my head coming back. Both good and bad memories. I begin to feel my eyes getting heavy. Maybe a quick nap before class is what I need...

"(Y/n) Tobio!"

"What! Here! Present!" I raise my head up quickly to see the face of the teacher looking at me as well as the eyes of every other student here.

"Thank you!" she says.

I begin to slowly put my head back down before I begin to feel as if someone is watching me. As I look right next to me I see-

"Makoto? Haruka?" I widen my eyes.

They both look at me in shock as well. They both look.. taller. I look over to Makoto who looks more muscular, and his soft brown olive hair brings memories.

As for Haruka his dark black haired, and blue eyes like the ocean brings memories.

I smile to both of them "good to see you both."


"Take it" I hand Haru my Mackerel.

Without hesitation he eats it.

"This is great" he simply says

"Like old times?" Makoto says with a rice ball in front of my face.

I smile to him "like old times.." I take it.

"When did you get back?" Makoto asks.

"Last week so now me , and my brother Luhan come here."

"Right you have a brother I remember he didn't live with you until you moved."

I nod "hope you'll get a chance to meet him. Still I wasn't expecting to see you here both of you. Glad to see your both.. you."

"Same goes for you." Haru says.


"Makoto? (Y/N)? Haruka?" we all turn back to see-


Isn't this crazy it's like fate brought all of us together. We've all grown up huh?" Nagisa says.

"Yeah.." as we look down from the rooftop I see a pool without water.

"You still swim?" Nagisa asks Haru.

"Haven't been to a pool in forever." Haru says.

"His so desperate for water found him swimming in his own bathwater."

I slightly giggle "you haven't changed your passion for water. I'm glad to hear that."

"Speaking of swimming you know the old swimming club. Well heard the lease is coming to an end and well they're taking the place down. What if we go visit it all of us?"

I widen my eyes "wait we haven't.. we have to dig up the trophies."

"exactly , the place is closed down so we have to sneak there at night."

"No way!" I glance to Haru.

"We should go! It might be interesting?" Makoto places his hands on Haru's shoulder.

"Nope!" he sure is stubborn. Even I want to go , I'm dying to see my trophy that I won that day.

I give Haru a smug look "how about an all axis pool which happens to be way bigger than a bath tube?" I cross my arms looking at everyone. I got him convinced.

"So it's settled we'll go at night? See you all there at 7?" Nagisa says.

I nod my head "you beat!"

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