24 Confirmation

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(Y/n) pov

"Alright everybody I brought snacks-"

"No thank you" everyone says in unison to Gou.

"Don't worry it's store bought!! Still you guys are acting ungrateful!!" she soon begins to slap Nagisa's and Rei's arm.

As Gou places the bags on the table the guys go for the table.

"Great job guys!! We'll go with the regimen in 40 minutes. Also-" as I look around I see Haru sitting on the pool side with only his feet dip into the water.

I look over to Makoto and his quite more than usual. I slightly smile "I'll talk to him.."

As I walk over to him he doesn't move but rather just staring at the water making circles with his feet.


Soon he finds himself jumping before he finally realizes I'm even there.

He doesn't say anything but rather goes back and looks back at the water. Hmm..

Earlier in class he had his eyes on that College planning review sheet that was due last week. He must have that on his mind.. Who knew even Haru would be struggling with something like that.

"Got things on your mind don't you? Let me guess our career plan?"

Soon his eyes shoot towards me "to straight forward? Sorry but you've been looking at that paper most of the time during Math.."

"Guess I must be the last one" he says soon I can't help but sit down next to him.

"Haru I bet everyone is on your ass on becoming some swimmer huh? I mean who wouldn't say that, when you are an amazing swimmer." I complement him before he shrugs his shoulders.

"No thanks.." he responds so casually.

"Haru" I can't help but chuckle "Still kinda crazy how this system works.. In high school your forced to choose something and then study for it, only to work for the next 30 plus years then retire.." I let out. Man did I just say that when I got my whole career planned out.

Soon I hear him slightly chuckle before I immediately look over to him "so how's Rin?"

He changed the subject. Maybe this college planning is really making him struggle with his decision. I'll talk to him another time.

"Good.. Tommorow I'll be meeting his mom.. And I'm a bit nervous" I say looking away trying to avoid contact.

"Why? You've meet her before..this time instead you'll be known as Rin's girlfriend. Huh who knew after every thing this finally id happening" he says soon removing his feet from the water and getting up.


"Remember to bring a present.." he says softly before heading with the guys.

"Present" I mutter before my eyes light up.

"Oh man... I haven't even brought flowers.. I have to buy some immediately!!

The next day~~

The photo above is somewhat what I thought as the meeting with Rin. Maybe the skirt longer like below the knee. Just a suggestion.

"Darn you Rin for being such a slow texter.." as I wait by the station for him I read back his text.

Rin: wait for me by the station. I'll pick you up at 4.

Me: okay.

And I'm the late one!?

Soon I look down at the flowers I picked up yesterday. I should have asked him what his mother liked.. But what I remember his mom always had carnations laying around her house.

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