22 The Reveal

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"Well.." I place the pills into my mouth and with my cup of water I swallow them down.

Doctor said after yesterday's incident it's best to take 2 of this to relieve the pain. Even after all this time the pain will never go away, I place my hand over my shoulder.

About the kids from yesterday Coach Sasabe wrote down their names still I don't think punishment will do any good to them. I decided to not do anything I mean their just kids..

As for what happened yesterday, coach sasabe immediately took me to the nearest emergency room only to stay over night.

Doctor said the worst could have happened if I wasn't taken out of the water a minute later.



"Agh.." I place my hand onto my forehead.

I can briefly remember seeing Rin's face the last person before I was completely knocked out.

I wanted to contact him but my phone got dropped into the pool and completely stop working.

I plan to get that fixed tommorow, still I wonder if Rin is okay...

Oh!! what if he thinks I'm ignoring him..

Man how am I supposed to keep myself from thinking such thoughts when I've been stuck here all day..

"Look, I'll be going to work tommorow. Try to stay in bed and if you want any food order take-out." he places a bill into my hand.


Even though dad gave me money...

"It's not even enough to pay for the cheapest meal and pay the delivery man.." I say looking at the 1000 yen bill. (9.95$)

I sigh before, I chuckle "guess I'll go out to the corner store and get at least a bento box."

As I go towards the door I place my hand on the door knob resting my hand..


As I turn the knob trying to get out of my house the door I pull it as quickly, suddenly-

A loud crash bursts through my door, and soon someone trips over entering my house.


I jump back only to see-


Soon he looks up to me, before immediately jumping back up.

I feel my heart drop, how long was he standing there? Still I can't help but-

Soon I find myself slightly chuckling..

Soon we both make eye contact not to long before I burst out laughing.

"What were you even doing!? Hahaa" not long I turn around trying to look away.

His probably going to explode any second.

"Damn.. What an entrance" he says sighing.

"S-sorry.. That was just too funny I'm-" as I turn around soon without a warning I feel his embrace.


"I'm so happy to see you smiling.. Laughing again. I'm sorry I couldn't do much last night. Don't push me away right now, I'm sorry" he says not moving soon placing his hand over my hair stroking it slowly.

"Why are you sorry over another secret I never told you about. Plus I'm always smiling when I'm with you guys..-" I pull away looking at him "you Rin. I'm sorry I didn't try to contact you I wanted to but my phone completely died the moment it hit the waters."

"I heard from your brother about that, he told me earlier" he says pulling away.

"Brother? Luhan? Since when did you two get along. Or rather why-"

"It's a long story.. Maybe we should sit down to eat. You probably haven't eaten. I brought food" he pats my head before heading outside.


"What!!" I feel my cheeks flare up before placing down my fork.

"Yeah, he figured us out even before we knew. Your brothers got that intuition when his sister is lying."

Man how am I going to face him later or rather will he tell dad!? It's so awkward..

"Also (Y/n)?"

Soon the tone of his voice gets a bit serious. I raise a brow curious what he has to say.

"Luhan.. Told me about what happened all those years ago.. I'm sorry." he soon reaches out to grab my hand. I feel my body slightly jump a bit.

"Somehow I don't know if I should be mad or kinda relieved to hear that. I wanted to tell you!! But each time I keep stalling.. Even though there was no reason I was just too scared to bring that up again.. That day" as I squeeze his hand soon I stop before I begin to glance towards the right where my mom's memorial shrine is at.

"Do you realize that you went through all that! What right do I have to for you to force something out when you don't wanna talk about."

Soon I feel his hand slip away before he soon gets up and comes towards before kneeling down.


"You should be mad at me because during that time I was in Australia.. I-I blamed you for not sending me letters which made me a complete idiot. All that damn time.. Such an idiot."

He figured that out.. I guess that was the time we stopped talking. I honestly thought we would never see each other after that.

I place my hand over his head "seems like we're just blaming each ourself for our mistakes at this point" I can't help but sigh in relief.

"Just how can you smile when talking about something like this? Your sure are a weird girl" he soon begins to chuckle before we make eye contact.

"Am not!" as I try to move my hands away he soon grips my hands again and slowly moves towards me just inches away from my face.

"Really?" he says soon I can't help but close my eyes and slowly lean in.


Before I knew it he reaches out to cup the back of my head and brings our lips together.


I melt at the touch of heat, leaning in as all my thoughts fade away.


I can still briefly remember that day when our high school days were peaceful..

The days when we didn't need to worry about when the next essay is due or the next time I could see Rin.

It's a day I could never forget the times when I was with Rin...


After that day the guys began to comfort me over the situation even though I told them it was okay.

As well as one last secret I needed to reveal.

"YOUR DATING!!?" everyone gasp while Gou begins to slightly giggle.

"Seems the cat is out the bag! Well you guys are definitely going to be the talk of the town!" Gou squeals.

"We're not!" Rin scoffs then soon Nagisa wraps his arm around him.

"You sly dog."


"So glad that's out of the way, next we can talk about marriage-"


(Y/n) finds herself blushing feeling embarrassment from revealing the news.

Soon from afar (y/n) makes eye contact with Rin before they share a quick smile.


Anyone reads webtoons? How about True Beauty? Dude the webtoon was so good until the author at this point is dragging on to long. Pretty much cash grab :(

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