31 Scared

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(Y/n) pov

"You need to show me something better than this! If you can't write a better report than this by the end of the week. I'll fail you. No expectation."

"(Y/n) we need you to be there when we call you. I know you have some type of long distance boyfriend but your education comes first. I don't want to be a.. bitch but if you don't come the full two hours today. I can't put your name of the paper.."

"I've been busy (y/n).. Sorry but can I call you tommorow?"


As the call ends I drop the pregnancy test on the table. Soon my hands begins to tremble before I shut the laptop with full force.

"I can't be pregnant.." I pick up the positive test.

"Last time.. It happened-" soon I can't help but think about the last time. Rin's right now across the world and I'm over here panicking for my life. This can't happen I-

We used protection .. I'm sure of it. He wouldn't have-

No I trust him.. as my hands tremble I pick my phone up .. "Megami.. you know that thing we have in the cupboard .. I need you now!!"

Later that day~~

"What the hell!!"

I decided to take 2 more test 1 came back negative the other one was broke!" I felt a slight relief megami waiting on the other side of the table she sighs.

"I think you should talk to him-"

"No not yet.. what if I'm not. This was the last test I tool I assume it negative-"

"Sweetie " she shakes her head..

"You know I'm your friend but you should have talked to rin about it!"

I felt a slight guilt. Almost felt as I was lying to him what if something happened- what if something happens.

"I say you but another pregnancy test..  call rin and take it with him."

Video cal~~

"Rin I need to talk to you about something-" he yawns before getting a call on his phone.

"Yeah coach?" I bit my lip ..

Should I just end the call it's almost 1am for him I'm just being a nuisance should I take the test one more time by myself-

"Sorry that was my coach he got an urgent announcement that our meeting was canceled so I guess we don't have to go tomorrow morning to the meet-"

"Are you okay?" My face all dim I decided to change the screen by turning it off.


"Rin.. this morning I took a pregnancy test.. it came positive.." my voice trembles..

He soon slaps his forehead "but that night I used protection-"


"Look it's going to be okay-"

"Rin!! I took 2 more test one came back negative and the other one was broke.. do I bought one more.. when I'm done taking this one. This is it Rin.." I feel teats overwhelmed me.

I can't be a mother I didn't come here to get pregnant what would my dad think?

As 3 minutes pass by I grab the test.

"(Y/n) can you turn the camera back on?"

"I can't- what if-"

"Then I'll drop everything right now to go see you. Your not alone in this (y/n) take a deep breathe (y/n) and slowly tell me what the test says." He says calmly.

"Rin.. the test says-"

I sigh heavily in relief "negative" I feel myself breakdown in front of him he continues to smile before sighing.

"Rin we can't let this happen again you know that.."

The room goes silent, feeling a sense of relief "what do you mean by that (y/n)? That day w-we b-both wanted-

"I know Rin!! But-

My phone rings loudly enough for him to hear on his end the name pops up of my professor.

He sighs "can you turn that off!!"

I furrow my eyebrows pinching between my temple "I have to Rin it's my professor" he sighs heavily before I pick it up.


"(Y/n) sorry to interrupt this late in your evening-

"Your fine your not interrupting anything- as I go back for a quick glance to the screen the screen is blank..Rin's gone. My eyes widen before bitting down on lip hard feeling a bit of droplets of blood dropping to the ground.

Huh that night I don't even remember the reason my professor called me.. shows how much I cared for Rin...

After that call we were never the same. To this day I can forgive myself for blaming Rin for taking my anger out on him for being there.

Why was I so angry for a decision we both agreed on and the chances of that happening were slim to none. But the thought of Rin dropping everything for me-

Shows how immature my mind works. Moving on in the end a couple weeks later was the worst decision I've made.. breaking up with Rin over a call.

Long distance relationship.. ha those never cease to amaze me. What was I thinking getting into one when I was younger.. alone .. and terrified of losing the only chance to get closer to my mom.

Rin.. I wonder what are you doing now?

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