17 The Party

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3rd pov

As (y/n) opens the door she finds-

"Hello!!" she find Rei and Nagisa at the door raising two bags of drinks.

"Hey guys come in!!" she says with a smile on her face.

"Nice place, it looks so organized!" he gives her a thumbs up.

"Thanks!" she smiles at him.

"Is your brother-"

"I knew someone would have asked for me!" my brother wraps his arm around Rei causing him to jump up.

"See this party needs me. Sadly I can't be here" he says sighing.

"Where you going?" Nagisa asks.

"I got a job now, part time at the convenience store maybe a block from here. I should be going now don't.. do anything I wouldn't do" he says in a serious tone.

"Whatever. Go" (y/n) says.

As her brother opens the door he widens his eyes "seems like the other two came! See ya" he says.

As everyone tries to glance over to the door they see-


They all shout with excitement.

"Sorry if we're late! Haru couldn't decided what type of flavor he wanted" Makoto raises a bag full of snacks.

"I won't eat anything not suitable for me" Haru says.

Everyone soon finds themselves laughing and (y/n) shakes her head "don't worry they just came, shouldn't be to long till Gou and-"

Soon her phone vibrates causing her to stop mid sentence and she grabs her phone "hold on.."

As she looks down she sees Gou's name pop up. She smiles in relief as she sees the message on her phone.

Open up ~ Gou

As (y/n) goes to the door she happily smiled ear to ear and immediately Gou goes in for a hug.

"Whoa.." soon she spots Rin right behind her and both smile to each other.

"Hey.." he mouths to her.

Soon a small tint of blush comes across her face "hey.." she mouths back quietly.

Soon as Gou releases her she whispers over to her "guess what I brought!"

With a blank stare (y/n) looks to Gou reaching into her purse and it's-

"We definitely need to look at this later" as (y/n) spots the item she burst out laughing. It's the new muscle magazine from the month of March.

"Gou.." she slightly nudges her before all her guest are here.

"Hurry guys let's eat!!" Nagisa cried out as everyone soon gathers around living room table.


"Bostain?" Nagisa says holding up a banner.

"Boston University!" (y/n) exclaims.

"Isn't that a school overseas in North America?" Makoto says.

(Y/n) nods "yeah, my mom went to that school when she was my age. I plan to go there-- or at least apply there no doubt" she says with a smile on her face.

"Speaking of your family, are your parents coming soon?" Rei says.

Soon everyone but Rin can't help but glare at him. Rei finds himself slightly gulping thinking he did something wrong.

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