5 Swim Team?

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(Y/n) pov

"What!? You raced with him first thing you got there? Plus you won wow" Haru sighs.

I glance over to Nagisa , and Makoto who nervously smile "that happened for sure. Still Rin still acts the way he did that day we saw him."

I look down of course he would be angry.. but im still confused with why he has such a grudge over Haru.

"Don't be down because I'm bringing the club back. Everyone's in how about you?" he hands me a paper.

I widen my eyes "I-I-"

"Hey (y/n)! My thoughts were correct to find you here . Anyway I'm staying after school for a club alright." he looks around to everyone.

I glance over to everyone "everyone my brother Luhan, Luhan my friends."

Everyone waves hi while my brother crosses his arms. That idiot don't say something stupid.

"So your her friends nice to meet you" he says calmly.

I widen my eyes in surprised. At least I don't have to fight with him. I sigh in relief.

"Wanna join the swimming club? Including you , and (y/n) there will be 5 members? Come on" Nagisa leans close to him.

"Luhan doesn't swim his more of a science nerd" I say nervously before he glares at me.

Soon the school bell rings and I shove the paper into my bag.

"We should head to class right? (Y/n) probably has a lot to think about right?" Makoto says smiling.

I nod my head "yeah.."

"Let's go" Haru says walking back to class.

Soon as everyone goes on to class , as I'm about to follow behind I look down and I see a book.

It's are classroom book must be Haru's he always forgets this type of things. As I grab to book I look up and I see my brother.

"What the hell do you think your doing?"

I widen my eyes "I'm sorry I haven't told them, I-"

"You can't keep it a secret forever, they need to know that you can't swim no more."

"Shut up!" I slap him across the face. I glare at him in anger.

"Be quite don't bring that up ever again!" I grab him from this collar shirt pulling him closer.

"You know I'm right little sister I don't want you to get hurt again alright!" he grips my collar shirt.

3 years ago~

"What did you say?" I heavily breath looking at the doctor.

"You can never swim again under no condition. Your arm is in no shape to handle that kind of pressure" the doctor says.


"There's got to be a procedure that can help right!?" I stand up glancing back and forth from my dad to the doctor.

"The procedure would kill you, the chance of success is 5%" he slams his hand on the table.

"Noo..." I feel tears whelming up in my eyes. I feel my heart beat a bit faster , and faster before I speak I feel my vision slowly go into darkness.

"(Y/n)!" I hear my name being shout right before I feel myself pass out.

1 month later~

"Your arm brace is finally off can't believe it now you can comeback to the team (y/n). I'm so happy!" Tohru wraps her arms around me .

"Yeah.. Im excited" I chuckle.

She looks down at her watch "practice is about to start. You should tell coach soon as possible your are anchor." she pats my back before leaving.

I can't lie to her she needs to know "to-

"(Y/n) let's go home? What's wrong?" my brother says.

"Nothing! Stop worrying bro" I flick his forehead laughing.

"annoying" he says so coldly.

As I finish up my homework I look outside my window ,and I see are pool.

"I miss the feeling being in the water..".

I look down at my right arm lifting my arm down and up.

"Practice is about to start."

Tohru's words still remain , engraved into my mind. I glance down to the pool.

Luhan Pov

"Im so hungry" I run downstairs to find something to eat. As I look inside the fridge nothing seems good.

"Great.." I shut the fridge close , and soon I hear a giant splash in are backyard.

I turn my head back immediately and I run towards the back.

"What the hell!?" I yell soon I see my sister who's in the pool slowly , drowning.

"L-luhan!" she yells before slowly falling deep into the pool.

"(Y/n)!" I dive into the pool as quickly as I can. As i jump in to grab her , I immediately swoop her up. As I pull her up she begins to choke , coughing up water.

"You idiot! Are you trying to kill yourself! Well (y/n)!"

She looks at me and begins to cry right in front of me.

"I-I just wanted to get back in. I miss swimming , and I miss mom" she leans her head to me.

I sigh. I can't imagine what my little sister is going through. Her passion for swimming was like no other.

"Im sorry..." that's all say.

Such an idiotic move, can't blame her lot of people in her position would do the same..

"Let's go on in" I place her arm around my shoulder.

She nods her head "right.."

End of backflash~

As both me ,and my brother are staring dead at each other we hear footsteps.

"What are two doing class just started? We don't prohibit any vio-

"Don't worry me ,and my sister were just leaving. Just normal sibling fights" he says ,and we both release each other's collar shirt.

The teacher sighs "alright head to class next time I find you detention alright!"

We both glance at each other "yes sir."

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