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In case you forgot anyone from free! a small reminder of who is this person. I mean I forgot who they were writing this story lol.
(Y/n) POV

The day is here that the Iwatobi swim club will have a joint practice with Samezuka Academy.

Hopefully everything goes right as expected considering.... Rei Ryugazaki won't swim.

I find it quite odd he won't participate maybe he felt guilty to see Nagisa beg him constantly every day and joined so he would stop begging.

Still his condition was not to swim I wonder if he can't-

"Oh my god.." Gou whispers enough for me to hear her. I glance over to her with a gleam in her eyes amazed at all the guys in Samezuka.. in their swimming trunks.

"Isn't it just beautiful.." she says and I slightly chuckle glancing around the room. Lot of great athletics with such an awesome figure.

I shake my head "maybe because I've seen hundreds of guys with them it's something I'm total used to" I say with a smile while she nudges me.

"Even them.." she points and I look and see Haru, Makoto , and Nagisa with their swim attire.

I tilt my head towards them , it's been a while since I've seen them all wear their trunks at the same time. Brings back memories..

I glance to her "stop daydreaming.." I slightly flick her forehead.

"(Y/n).." she pouts before she turns in surprise. I look to the direction she's looking at and she yells out "Rin!!"

I widen my eyes in surprise to see him here already. I mean it is his school still-

"I'm going to see my brother are you-"

I shake my head "later.. I'll go talk to Rei okay?" she nods and I watch as she goes with Rin.

Seeing them side by side they look as if they can be twins. Soom I feel someone's hand on my shoulder.

Lost Memories (Rin Matsuoka X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now