23 The Little Moments

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(Y/n) pov

"This isn't it!!" Gou says ranting as she flips through the clipboard.

"I think you've might have gone a bit to far with this. I mean I think the guys are perfectly fine with what they eat-"

"If they even want to win at District they must go on a properly well diet. Plus from the recent records of the guys Rei doesn't have proper carbohydrates it's too many greens. And Haru is just awful mackerel will be the death of him. As for Makoto-"

"Gou!! I have to study , I know the guys need a proper diet but maybe-"

She scoffs "I thought you were going to help me but it seems you care-"

"More about the future?" I say raising an eyebrow.


"Sorry" I begin to chuckle "fine. Maybe we can introduce them to a new recipe. Something healthy?" I say.

She immediately jumps up and runs over to me "yes!!"

I roll my eyes before she looks down at my paper "man.. learning a new language at this age seems just impossible" her eyes scan over it.

"No kidding. I think I've got my- well basic english down. Your brother is actual helping me with pronunciation and is helping me quite much."

"Yeah Rin was such a showoff when he learned English. But man.. Your actual going to study abroad.." she sighs walking away from me.


She's right. If I get accepted to Boston University I'll be gone.. And not for weeks, months, or a year.. Years.

It's always been a dream to study aboard even though I'll miss everyone..

Seems like just yesterday I reunited with old friends.. Even meet new friends like Rei.

Seems like were just a couple months away till I won't see Gou like I can now..

Especial Rin. Will we see each other when we come back to visit Japan with our families...

One thing I wonder is.. how can a long distance relationship work. Will me and Rin talk like we talk now.. Even now I don't see Rin often with school.

Seems like I got more things to think about before I leave.


"Oh" I feel my small trans come to an end just to find Gou waving around a knife.

"Gou!!" I jump back wondering what she's doing.

"You mind I try a recipe!! I think I got a recipe in mind.

"Sure!" I immediately answer.

"Thanks.." as she turns around to grab a cutting board she looks back at me "have you done your Career plan sheet?"

"Yes ma'am I did it last week. Everyone's freaking out since most people don't have an idea in their career plan.

"I know seems that way in our class. Still Marine Biologist? There's not a another career besides that?"

"Nope. My grades are pretty good as of lately I doubt I'll find trouble with the counselor about it."

As she grabs a carrot chopping them up she chuckles "guess you got your life figured out. Man.."

"Oh come on not this again. I promise to contact you as much even if we don't study together. Plus you still got the guys isn't that good?" I run up to her grabbing her arm.

"I guess" she pouts before she sighs "anyway you never told me what you wanted to do? Like what has your peak of interests? Teacher?"

"Absolutely not!! It's actual.. A reporter." I widen my eyes.

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