13 Festival of Hachimangu

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(Y/n) pov

After the guys competed in the medley relay they managed to advance to Regionals.

Even though they didn't practice they managed to work it out so smoothly. I guess it's time for all of us to enjoy a day of reminiscing.

5 min later~~

"To celebrate tomorrow at the festival of Hachimangu? It's already that time of the year.. wow" I say in disbelief over the phone with Gou on the other line.

"Yes ma'am, and let's get together before the event to take pictures!!" she says in excitement.

"Sounds good.. are the guys coming? I'm pretty sure everyone would go besides-"

"Haru" we both say in unison before laughing.

"I'm pretty sure they'll convince him don't worry (y/n). After all the whole team should celebrate after all" she says.

"Got it! Well see you tomorrow at the festival.." I say before hanging up.

"Guess I should bring out my old kimono.. hopefully I can find it" I sigh , trying to figure out where I left it.

Hey! Maybe Luhan will join us , guess I should invite him to come.

Next day~~

"It's so packed.." I say glancing straight across the festival.

"You got that right.. Hey maybe they'll have decent squid" he says crossing his arm looking around.

I roll my eyes before I knew it, he walks over to a squid stand.

"I should text Gou-"

"I'm here!!" as I turn soon a giant flash goes off before me.

"Ahh" I shriek and begin to rub my eyes. As I begin to shake it off I see Gou dressed up in her kimono with a goofy smile on her face.

She puts down her phone and begins to look down at me.

"You look great!! You really got yourself ready? No way!?" she says in amazed.

"Yeah me and Luhan we're somewhat helping each other. It's been so long that we had one on" I say scratching the back of my head.

"I see! Well if we're here we might as well go meet up with the guys I think there here-"

"Sup" soon my brother finds us and hands me a squid.

"Gou is it?" soon he begins to check her out and I scoff before flicking him on the head.

Soon Gou begins to chuckle before she takes my arm "ooh squid!!" she takes a bite from my squid before I could even taste it.

"Great. Looks like I should get another one." I say sighing handing it to Gou before.

"Hey how about it Gou me and you go towards the crêpes" says Luhan in a devious tone.

"What?" I turn quickly and soon I watch as he takes Gou into the crowd.

"Luhan!!" I yell and I soon begin to follow their trace.

Before I knew it , both of them we're long gone in the crowd. I'm going to kill him first chance I see him.

Soon I feel myself suddenly getting caught in the crowd , and being swarmed by the people at the festival.

"Can't r-remember it being this c-crowded" I push my way all the way to the end of an alley.

"Great, I've been ditched and I haven't ate a decent squid..." I sigh heavily.

"Hey you.." Soon I feel someone's arm wrapped around my shoulder.

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