16 Party?

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When I original was going to make an oc but I stop when my iPad started to glitch out and couldn't draw it. And my phone can't hold a decent amount of GB so my drawing days are on pause.

Y/n pov

It's been about 3 weeks since that day we went on our first date and we haven't official told anyone not even our closest friends.

We haven't made anything official still with school going on we hardly had anytime to hang out.

Because in about two weeks.. we'll be in our 3rd and in our final year in high school.

Still we have one last event to do before the year ends.

"Celebration?" - Rin
"Yes, for becoming captain and for the end of the year ending!! I call it we have it at (y/n)'s place :) anyone else?" - Nagisa
"My place no way!!" - (y/n)
"That sounds great!!" - Gou
"Really! Guess I'll bring snacks before heading over there"
"Seems I'll bring the drinks"- Rei
"So it's settled tommorow!!" - Nagisa
"Ok" - Haru

That was the last message that was sent in the group chat before everyone made a commitment to come over to my place tommorow.

Guess I should tell my dad, I usually don't like to do any big parties so I guess I'll tell him.

As I go into the kitchen I see my father cutting vegetables like how he does every Sunday night.

"Need help?" I ask.

"You always ask the same question every time. You think my answer will change?" he says looking up to me with a smile.

I scoff "no.." before running to the cabinets grabbing a pan.

I hardly hang out with my father now that his worked moved over here. He works an extra day than before so cooking along side with him like today are one of those moments I can't help but take to spend time with him.

"You got everything you need for the rest of the year?" he asks.

"Hmm.." I think for a brief moment before nodding my head "yeah, don't worry I'll be set for next week when school starts."

"Good.." my dad says with a smile on his face and soon begins to place the vegetables on the pan.

"Make sure to focus this year. I know you went back to the swimming club as a manager but remember-"

"To never lose track on the actual goal. I got it don't worry too much. The one you should be worried about is-"

"Will you finish that sentence? You always seem to talk behind my back!" I hear my brother say in a nasty tone.

I can't help but roll my eyes "it's true you know!" I say.

"Instead of arguing Luhan you should be setting the table!" my father raises the knife soon I can't help but stick my tongue out when my father looks away and my brother soon becomes baffled before glaring at me.

As my father begins to mix in more spices into the meat I clear my throat.

"So dad I was wondering can I have a small get together tomorrow with a couple of my friends" soon I place my hands together "please?"

"Okay, just remember to clean up after yourself. Don't get to crazy.. just how many guys are coming?" he asks.

I instantly gulp "well.. thanks dad for letting me have one. Promise we'll not go to crazy! Is that sauce ready to pour?" I say trying to avoid his question.

"They better be 4 feet away no 6 feet remember social distancing is the key!"

Soon I can't help but slightly nudge him "thanks."

Soon I turn back to see Luhan still pouting from earlier. As he turns back to me I stick out my tongue and I point at him mouthing to him "haha."

Soon after when dinner ends I tell the guys the party is on. And so we get ready to toast one last time before we become official third years.


Short chapter. Feel like I haven't really introduced much about (y/n)'s father. Well either way I hope you love his character. Anyway with only maybe less than 15 chapters left I hope you've enjoyed my story so far.

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