14 For the Team

398 11 1

(Y/n) pov

I begin to look down at all the swimmers getting ready for the medley relay but the guys aren't anywhere to be seen..

I begin to sigh heavily then I look over to Gou nervously pacing around.

"Gou.." I mutter.

"After I fix this problem between Haru and me ..I need to tell yoy something that I've been meaning to tell you for a while.." he stutters his words.

I slap my hand over my forehead "aigoo" I can't help but feel my heart skip a beat.

Yesterday, wasn't what I expected. In the end I couldn't give him a response... I mean-- what did he mean by that!?

I haven't even told Gou I mean that's here brother!?

Plus Seijuro came out of nowhere with a sudden love confession.. date of some sorts.

I can't tell which I should be more worried about.. I sigh heavily.

Why is this all happening all of a sudden! Last night couldn't stop thinking about it-


I shoot my head up to see Gou with her eyes light up in happiness. She points down the the pool where the groups of different schools are and soon "is that-"

"Those guys!!" Gou says smiling down.

"Mens Medley Relay starts now!" the lady announces.

As we look down Makoto jumps down into the pool and gets ready to start.


I grab Gou's hand and we both look at each other before yelling out "LET'S GO!!"

As the relay starts Makoto starts of strong and as he goes for the turn it helps him get another boost getting him to 4th place.

Soon as Makoto is about to touch the end of the pool Nagisa prepares to jump with soon giving one of his best breast strokes that I've seen.

"Amazing.." just like when we were younger..

"Deja vu" I mutter before he comes in for a turn and immediately takes 3rd place!

Me and Gou soon jump out of our seats and we look up who's next causing us to gasp loudly.

"Rin!!" Nagisa screams out.

Soon we watch as he jumps into the pool and begins to swim.

"His crazy!?" coach Sasabe says.

"It appears he did an amazing job, now we'll for sure win" we look over to see Rei sitting down casual observing the match.

"Rei!" we blurt out.

"I'll explain it once this is over, anyway concentrate!" he points down.


As I watch Rin swims his butterfly stroke it's different than it was before when he swam with Haru.

This feels right.. I watch as he soon begins to head towards 2nd place as soon as he took that turn .

I feel my heart race watching the other competitors on the tail towards 2nd place but as Rin reaches the end it's time for Haru to jump in and end the medley relay.

I've never seen him more determined , than right now. Those four , it's was destined for this to happen, I glance over to Rei smiling watching the relay with such a huge smile on his face.

I jump a seat over to sit next to him and I take his hand , "what?"

"Let's cheer!!!" I pull him up from the seat to yell out.

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