3 Old Swimming Club

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(Y/n) pov

"Haunted? Sounds interesting?" I give a smug look.

"How are you so excited haven't you heard sounds of a weeping woman come from here?" Makoto backs away shielding himself with the shovel.

"That's the spirit! Alright I've brought salt so the ghost can stay away!" Nagisa begins to sprinkle the salt on everyone.

I glance over to Haru who begins to taste it "since when did salt taste like sugar?"

"It is salt.. salt and sugar same thing."

Makoto who looks terrified to come in gets behind Haru. I sigh let's go.

As we enter the swim club I begin to see flashbacks just walking the area. As we come across the rooms we heard a loud can getting crushed.

"Gah!what was that!" Makoto yells.

Nagisa turns back smilling nervously "sorry kicked the can on accident."

I chuckle at him then glance back to Haru , and Makoto who look slightly terrified.

As we turn the corner we spot "the lounge" we all say in unison.

As I look around the place is filled with dust , I remember the small little memories here.

"Hey guys look it's the day we won the relay , and the day (y/n) won her individual medley" Nagisa points at the pictures on the wall.

As I get closer to it I see the boys holding their trophy smiling with.. Rin. They all looked cute back then. Then next to it is a picture of me with my trophy.

"Look how cute we were , as well as you (y/n)" Nagisa says.

I smile and I begin to stare back to the guys picture. Rin Matsuoka where are you? Probably still in Australia to become the Olympian he wanted to be like his father.

"Guys come on! We got to find it!" Makoto says.

"Right" as still next to me is Haru who is looking at the picture too. He probably misses Rin out of all of us.

As we walk around the area more we begin to hear footsteps coming near us. I glance back "somebody's here."

As everyone turns back we see a tall hooded man headed are way. I glare at the person and as he begins to get closer he finally speaks "what are the chances of running into you guys?"

I widen my eyes , it can't be..

"Rin!" we all yell.

As he looks around he spots me and looks at me in shock.

"How you been!" Nagisa jumps to the question.

But he seems to be ignoring him since the only person his looking at is-

"(Y/n) thought I heard you moved?"

"She did ,but she's back"Makoto answers for me.

This Rin feels different not the same boy who I knew , or wrote to back then.

"Your back?" I say but soon he looks towards Haru.

"Haru still with this guys after all this years?" he says as if Haru should be ashamed.

"Could ask you the same learn anything in Australia?" Haru fires back.

"Yeah learned a thing or two how about I show you with a race?" says Rin walking towards the back where the pool is.

I glance to Haru who's following right behind him.

"Did they just leave us?" Nagisa says.

"Yeap" I walk right behind them following them.

As I enter the pool area they both glare at each other "Let's do this!" Rin takes his shirt off.

"No problem" Haru follows him by taking his shirt off.

As I glance back and forth to them I look impressed. Both earned themselves muscle after all this years.

Soon both begin to loosen their belt "woo hold on-"

Before I could finish Haru drops his pants but not to reveal him naked but wearing-

"you had your bathing shorts?"

"Even Rin" I glance to Rin wearing his bathing pants.

"Was this planned?" Makoto says.

As they both glare at each other ready to enter the pool I look down but not finding a single ounce of water.

"Wait-" before I could say anything they get in starting positions.

I look at both of them "WAIT!" I yell they both look back.

"There's no water you idiots" I glare at both of them. Nagisa soon flashes his light to the pool but it's nothing but a dirty, empty pool.

"The hell!" Rin storms away picking his clothes from the ground.

As I glance over to him he turns back holding up their trophy "is this what your looking for? I don't want such a pathetic thing" he drops the trophy like it's nothing.

"Hey Rin!" Nagisa says.

As he walks away I glare at him "jerk" I tell him.

As I look down at Nagisa holding the trophy I glance once more to Rin. Wait my trophy was inside with there's so... where's my trophy?

 where's my trophy?

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