32 Same Place, Different times

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3 1/2 years later~~

Italics = English Speaking lines

(Y/n) pov

"Can't believe we're in Australia!!" Megami squeals in excitement jumping up and down from her seat.

Soon people begin to look over her way on the plane , making me feel a bit embarrassed.

"Stop it! haha.. from the looks of it were an hour away" I begin to slightly laugh at her.

This here is Megami.. one of my best friends since I came here to Boston and my roommate. She also came from Japan and the moment we sat next to each other it was faith that we became friends. Can't believe with half a semester left for us to be certified marine biologist we both also agreed to go back to Japan once this is over. Who knew I would have found someone like her on the way here..

As I glance next to me on the plane, I spot Elena leaning against Jasper's shoulder both sleeping so soundly.

Elena.. another of my friends I meet at the University. She's pretty quite , and a fourth year student. She's quite brilliant and also has a major crush on the guy next to her Jasper.

Jasper is also a fourth year student and also a major party animal during are first three years in college. And also crushing on Elena. He can be so oblivious when his around her. We decided not to intervene in their relationship because I believe they should be the ones to make the first move. Plus Elena also told us not to butt in..

"Look" I nudge Megami's shoulder and she immediately fans girls softly "there so going to be a couple by the end of this!"

"Shhh" I say placing my finger over her lips.

Soon she glances outside once more and leans against the window "wonder what I'll see a crocodile, kangaroo, or-"

"That's such a foreigner thing to say" I shake my head , and she soon begins to pout.

"Hey let me say what I want to say!! Your unreasonable plus your only saying that because you've been here before right?" she says nudging my shoulder.

I look outside her window "that was such a long time ago.. an old memory I'll love to forget" I say.

Don't think about that right now.. Haven't thought about that in months.. haha seems like old memories always seem to come back time to time.

"Want some gum" I offer her some.

A couple hours later~~

3rd pov

"It's been over 20 years since the Olympics have taken place her in Sydney, Australia! So be prepared because in 1 week the first part of the games are starting off you guessed it.. Swimming." a nearby television goes off as (y/n)'s group begins to walk to their hotel.

Soon an older man begins to speak "well this is where you'll spend the next 3 weeks at. You four better rest up tonight because tommorow morning you'll be in the lab all day. Don't go drinking any of you!" he glances at all of them. Jasper wraps his arm around their Professor.

"Oh come on!! Teacher we promise we won't right" he glances around to everyone again.

Soon their Professor shrugs him off , "man your going to be a pain for the next three weeks!" their Professor rolls his eyes before walking into the hotel.

"Teacher!!" Jasper whines!!!

Soon all three girls sigh heavily "can't wait.."

Soon (y/n) glances to her left and spots "a coffee shop!!" (y/n) eyes turn into excitement.

Elena looks towards the way , (y/n) was looking at "ahhh a coffee shop! We should go there tommorow morning!"

"Definitely!" Megami nods excitedly.

As everyone checks in their room, (y/n)'s first thing on her list was to shower. As she begins to dry her hair while sitting on the bed she begins to get a call on her cell phone.

As she sees the name on the cell phone she begins to sigh before slightly smiling. As she places her phone to her ear she says "how's Boston?"

"Haha very funny.." he says sarcastically.."the real question is how's Australia?"

She soon stands up and goes towards the filled war jug "well for one I just got here, remember?? and tired as hell from that flight.."

"You got lucky to go there with Professor Salvatore-"

"So you wanted to be with Professor Salvatore.. Nice to hear that I'll be sure to tell him that" she says with a smug look.

"Oh come on (y/n), you know what I mean.. I wish I went with you. I just had work and couldn't lay off work" he says .

"I get it Zion, it sucks the whole group could have gone this together.."

"I wish we could have gone on that first date together in Sydney."

Soon (y/n) goes silent and her cheeks light up turning pink
"Zion..." she mutters softly.. "you know I'll be busy the next 3 weeks. It's a long time before-"

"You know I'll wait for you until you get back..How about it me and you go on a date...? When you come back? You wanted to go to that new restaurant didn't you?"

(Y/n) hesitates for a second and slightly smiles "The midnight carat".. surprised you remembered.."she looks down at her feet.

As the end of the phone line goes silence (y/n) smiles "at the end of the month.. when I come home on the 27th.. let's go out on that Saturday.. the 29th."

Soon he sighs in relief "that sounds great. I-I should get to sleep.. I got a big day tommorow in the lab" (y/n) clears her throat.

"(Y/n) I'll call you tommorow say around this time again?"

"Yeah.. (Y/n) can wait till I see you at the end of the month" he chuckles.

"Bye Zion.." she hangs up and begins to nod "this should be an opportunity.. Right?" she mutters.

Soon , she hears a knock at her door.

As she opens the door, soon her three friends come with a 6-pack of beer. She shakes her head "you guys!"

"Let's party!" Japser runs into her room along with Megami , and Elena.

~~~Meanwhile the coffee shop next to the hotel..

"Can I get eight mocha latte please" a young blond male with a goofy grin says smiling at the barista.

"Wren it seems you brought the whole group eh?" she begins to grab the milk from the refrigerator.

"That's right mate! Wanted to keep the tradition going with are two new recruit this year for the Olympics" as he glances back he smiles once more.

"Speak of the devil.." he mutters under his breath.

"Liz, I want you to meet are newbie.. Rin Matsuoka.."

"You need help captain?" he asks placing his hands into his pockets.

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