Two Years Ago.

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So this is pretty crap, Sorry.

Dan took my hand and spun me around the dance floor. His smile was so bright, he'd come so far in the last two years. I remember when he was shy and scared. He had no self confidence. He couldn't see the beautiful boy I see. When he looked in the mirror, he saw and ugly person, with an ugly mind. I feel happy that I'm the one who changed him. The one that gave him his self confidence boost. He didn't deserve to feel that way, and now he doesn't.

Two years ago, Dan wouldn't have been in the middle of a crowded club, dancing like an idiot with his boyfriend. Two years ago Dan wouldn't even smile. Now he shows his perfectly white teeth and adorable dimple, and I am grateful. Two years ago Dan would have starred down at his shoes, not gaze into my eyes. Now his chocolate brown orbs hold love and happiness, they have a twinkle in them. I'm happy he has that twinkle, he always tells me I'm the one who gave it to him. He said my sunshiney attitude rubbed off of him, my light gave him hope.

Dan grabbed my waist with his hands and picked me up and spun me in a circle. I glanced around us. All I could see was the blurring lights and faces of the strangers surrounding us. But I could see Dan's clearly. I could see the happiness radiating off of him. The light bounced of his hair, tinting it hues of green and blue. He looked like an angel. My angel. He put me on the ground again and I quickly leaned in for a hug and a quick peck on the lips. "I love you Dan." I said my words coming out unevely as I was still catching my breath from all the dancing. "Phil, If its not already obvious, I am very much in love with you too, you gimp." He said giggling and giving me another kiss.

Another song started,
Don't you dare look back, just keep your eyes on me. I said you're holding back. She said shut up and dance with me.

Dan laced his fingers with mine, and we continued to dance. Two years ago, Dan was scared to even touch me. He was so sure he would get attached and then I would abandon him. It took a long time for him to trust me. It took a long time for him to heal, the wounds his past gave him. But he did, and I'm so glad. Two years ago, Dan spoke in short sentences, only giving me short answers. Things like yes, no, I don't know, probably. Now he talks all the time, animatedly aboy what he loves. He gives in depth opinions on how he feels. He learned to speak up. He grew into the true Dan.

This woman is my destiny, She said wooohooo shut up and dance with me.

Dan picked me up bridal style, and spun us both around. We looked into each others eyes are laughter ringing out. His melodical voice singing along with the music. He put me down once more and pulled me in tight. "You look beautiful right now Phil." He whispered just so I could hear. A blush covered my face, making me nuzzle into Dan's neck. Two years ago Dan wouldn't have complimented anyone, let alone me. He's come so far, from the broken boy he used to be. "You don't look so bad yourself." I mumbled with a smirk.

We were victims of the night. The chemical, physical kryptonite. Helpless to the bass and fading light. Oh, we were bound to get together, bound to get together. She took my arm, I dont know how it happened. We took the floor and she said, "Don't you dare look back, just keep your eyes on me." I said "You're holding back." She said,"Shut up and dance with me."

I'm so grateful its not two years ago.

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